URL:SCAM multiple report from OPERAGX Browser

Ok, so avast has been some kind annoying this days with alerts like “We have canceled the conection from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx because it is infected by URL:Scam” and I notice that it comes from one archive from where is installed Opera GX, there’s any way to stop this alerts (removing if it’s a virus or tell avast that it isn’t a virus)? Because sometimes I get like 10 notifications like this togheter, than nothing for hours, and than more 5+ or so… wtf is going on? pls help thanks!

A screenshot of the avast alert window with the More Details displayed may help us to help you.

https://ibb.co/z8MM71d here! If you need more info to help me just tell me!

Please attach your screenshot(s), some of us don’t follow external links. :wink:


Here the screen

I got exactly the same problem! :frowning:

Report a false positive (select file or website)