The fact that no-one from AVAST and no-one else has responded to my post,
makes me even more curious as to WHO prompted this query.
If you live in the United States of America - YOUR VOTE
I hope you’re vote is not being circumvented by someone else,
nor that you’re being influenced by someone else to vote,
other than how you wish to vote.
The link to the survey is here:
and it is nothing more than what is says:
“Some fun for the weekend… can the AVAST user community predict the Presidential Election?”
And to be clear, we don’t track any personal data - the survey and responses are completely anonymous.
Sorry for not responding sooner. With the time difference I only got your post few minutes ago.
I also received this survey a few minutes ago. The survey plus the constant nagging about installing avast on android with no clear way of disabling these ads has pushed me to drop avast as my main AV support.
I would like to see the results, though. Seems like Avast could show the results of the voting right after someone votes. Don’t show it to others, though, only the voters.
You are a little too picky and your survey answers do not have the one I would select. I am glad Avast supplies a very good “Free” antivirus and I am glad they are interested in my country. You did not have to answer the survey. You can turn off the pop-ups. Thank you Avast for Doing the Presidential Election Survey, where can I find the results?
I have no problem with it, glad to say who I want to win. Will be interesting to see if the results hold true.
Also would like to know if there is someplace to view the tally.
It’s just one small pop-up. No reason to get all bent out of shape. If this survey is the worst thing that happened to you today great.
You have the option to “vote” or not to vote. Keep it all in perspective. The survey poses no security risk. Therefore…no harm, no foul.
What gets me is someone started this ridiculous poll/thread. What’s worse is I posted in this thread. :
I’m thinking about voting for Michael Rodent aka Mickey Mouse. ;D
What concerns me is that I have already become a tad concerned with the path I sense this company has started down, and this just deepens my sense of something not good. This is an Internet security related product and political surveys of any sort, for any country, are about as related to their business as my auto manufacturer asking me the same questions about political matters.
I then must consider that my IP address is in a land far from the United States. What gives with that? Survey is going out to all those using English in their product?
Anyway, what in the world is going on? My Internet security company asking me about some election in the United States!
Well folks, you are going to start down THAT path? Fine!! Now, in the interest of fairness we want to see surveys for every election (and some others) for all nations on this planet. It’s only fair, right?
You guys in the Chinese market, yet? Don’t you want my views on the politics there? They’re just a stone’s throw away from me.
Maybe that’s who asked you to do that United States survey – the Chinese?
Oh yes, and if you are going to have a survey as part of your product, you best open up a sub-forum for the discussion of the topic of the survey. That’s also “only fair”.
On the other hand, why not stick to your own business – Internet security. Please. I really don’t want to have to shop around for a new product.
You have to present this survey in the right context,.
The survey comes from SurveyMonkey and avast and the setting is social networking like on facebook and through twitter.
As the Internet is functioning to-day (personally I am not partaking in social networking using facebook or twitter,
but that is my good right) there is the real world and the semi-official world of social networking.
In that setting I think such a survey could be acceptable.
It would be quite another thing that we started to tweet etc. about security issues.
But then also I can imagine that many of the younger that were brought up with a laxer view on the presence of commercialism and privacy intrusion,
would not share my point of view.
The world is rapidly changing in this way and the old paradigma’s are shifting slowly.
It may not have come to your part of the world yet and the general more formal view of your society on these issues.
The Chinese I think form a bad example because they have by nature a great interest in modern trends and are seemingly adhering to these quickly.
Avast and SurveyMonkey sign of the times.
I have a beautiful extension in my Google Chrome named Dynamite and as I see something on a page that is not to my liking,
I dynamite it and it is gone for the time until the page is reloaded.
Well I keep voting for avast ;D
@ ManyQs
Well I certainly haven’t seen it so it isn’t going out to those using English in their product, don’t know why you got it then. Don’t know if as polonus suggests it might have something to do with social networking, e.g. the avastUI, Settings, Community, Show social networking features option or not (I don’t have that checked).
As they steer clear of Religion and Politics two of the most divisive topics.
I might live in England, but whoever is the US President will have an impact one way or another on many non-US citizens.
I would have though with your signature and forum that you actually might have wanted to know more.
Thank you for your views, polonus, and everything you state might be all very true and all that, but my first impression when I see that thing – and it didn’t state in that little box it wasn’t an Avast survey – my first impression is there is money involved in some way. That somebody is paying Avast to do that. I then take the thought to whether the company is really in need of cash. Then, if I have time, I start to wonder why they need money. In some cases I come here.
I didn’t come here about the poor English in that Facebook thingy popup, but as it didn’t show again I figured somebody already had informed somebody here to fix the English. That was what – about three or four weeks ago?
Now it’s politics.
Let’s see, if I buy a product from this company do I still get these little intrusions? Maybe I’ll buy one of the products just to be nice and help them. I mean, there’s a money factor in this, right? They need money, maybe we should help a bit. I don’t mind paying for a couple of years after using the product with the price tag of 0. If I’m going to go and be nice to some company I can’t think of a better place to do it – the people that run my security for me. Maybe they can get back to their own work and not have to go getting money from those monkey folks you mentioned.
DavidR, the last place I expected to be asked about my political views was embedded in a popup related to my security product. Where I choose to discuss politics has not one thing to do with this. This has to do with relevancy. And why they need money. Well, the last is what worries me more than the first.
BUT, as I wrote earlier, if this company wants to start soliciting my views (or let others do so through them) on political things, then it’s time to open up a Lounge sub-forum. Didn’t we have one once? Along with our little flags?
It is always a good thing to discuss such issues. Here in my part of the world and that is in the Netherlands I see that we have to get accustomed to new views.
It is a global influence setting in…
We see a different consumer approach of privacy issues and the role of consumerism and commercialization. Mozilla firefox spokesmen just stated that 2013 will be the year of the privacy issues. I do not know how the Nihon situation is and the attitude of the general public.
Services on the Internet come can still be free by selling user profile data and ad revenues. I am afraid that Richard Stallman’s future predicyions of where the Internet was going were not mucg of the mark. Gradually people were made to accept these issues - television ads with a little bit of program in between. If not for adblocking a lithany of ads popping up all over the screen. Youngsters have a much greater toleration level. Haven’t you noticed on a bus that a lot of people during the night keep on talking because they fear silence. I think the mobile age will only further these discrepancies. I also agree that a discussion of these issues could be healthy and I also think it would be wise if commerce would listen to the minorities of consumers,