USB driven anti-virus protection

Hi forum members,

Remember we discussed this in our forum near the end of the year. Well if an idea is there, it is soon found to materialize.
Read this:

I use antivrus scanning through a flash drive, do you?


Nice article about a very good idea. :slight_smile:

And, it seems SanDisk is smarter than Verbatim! :wink: :smiley: 8)

Yes CharleyO,

It is a great idea actually. I run F-Prot with the updater from inside the mem key, and DrWebCureIt. Also removal tools downloaded from a clean source can work more when launched from inside the mem key, also Spyaudit, standalone scanning from Flash drives.
I think it is also good for rootkit scanning, but did not try that.
Make one yourself bootable disk drive:

What also could be a good idea is partition a USB partition as a Linux partiotion and scan from there the Windows environment.


Yes Polonus that is a good idea and i run F-Prot for DOS from my USB drive too but what i would really like to see is avast! running on that USB drive :wink:

BTW what happened to this idea did you try to put Linux on that USB drive or do i really have to take things in my own hands haha ;D :

Well my friend,

I know you finally short circuit anything to everything, and that you will takethings into your own hands I have no single doubt about that. I know you. I have some ideas about this really, but we will discuss this in the future, you can bet, have to analyze the cd first.


for linux based usb flash it’s really easy …
for windows based usb flash booting with avast! on … it’s possible but quite harder to do …

Hi Dwarden,

I gave you the link up in the thread to boot XP on an USB of 256M or more, there must be room left for Avast there.
