USB problems?

Hey guys, does anyone perhaps have any clue on this problem that im having with my Usb ports/devices Ive been trying to find the source of the problem for the past few days you see everytime I plugg in a device into the USB port (usb stick, Ipod, Zune, web cam) anything that required USB I get the error message “this device cannot be recognized! the device plugged in has malfunctioned ect.” ive done everything the first time I thought there was a driver problem so I replced all the drivers and got the same message then I reformatted the whole thing and same problem just lately Ive found out through testing that it only recognized devices under 2 gb anything bigger like my 2gb memory stick it wont recognize so any clue here guys?

Have you tried the devices on another computer or ones that work on another computer on yours ?

What version of USB are the devices and what version are the USB ports on the system. If say this is an older system it could have USB 1.1 and the devices could be 2.0 this may give a mismatch but I wouldn’t have though that would present itself by not reading over 2GB in size.!+the+device+plugged+in+has+malfunctioned

alright I will read those in a bit I dont know for sure what version the ports are but my usb stick here is a Micro Center 2gb, I dont have an of the other details because these were supplied by the class instructor btw I learned something today My schools IT department is embarrising I took my laptop in this morning to find out about the USB ports and they said they “fixed” them well I plugged in my stick again and their not fixed well when I got my laptop back after it booted it sounded like someone was turning on a motorcycle inside of the case because the fan is so loud so I took it back in and they said and I quote “were going to let it run all night and see how it is in the morning” I can almost guarentee it will sound the same as it did after i booted up I wont accept it back like that because IMHO its ridiculous how when you take your computer into the IT here they may “fix” one problem but you get your Computer back with another problem