USB Vaccine?

Is usb vaccine necessary complement then having avast free and comodo firewall installed?

It is good to prevent malware from infecting USB Flash memory sticks.


Well… The vaccine is radical and you lose some functionality.
avast depends on detection and it’s not that radical.
You may choose which suits better for you :wink:

Yes, it is not necessary. The important thing is autoplay is disabled. Panda USB Vaccine does not prevent viruses/malware from entering your usb device but it prevents them from running upon insertion to the usb port.

One annoying feature is how much you try to rename your flashdrive, it will return to “removable disk.”

@ YoKenny. You actually mentioned this software in a post several months ago and I have been using USB Vaccine since.
I have to say as to the OP ( if I understand the post correctly ??? ???), I never considered it a replacement for an anti virus or anything.
Simply an added protection for USB use. :slight_smile:

Thanks. I decided to not install this time.

Make sure you get the latest version Panda USB Vaccine

Even SafeSurf uses it: