Use of AVAST Free in commercial environment

Hey Avast!

just wondering if it is OK to use AVAST Free product in commercial environment. Was trying to go through the EULA but I was able to find two EULA’ versions on AVAST web, which are, how to say it…not very clear to me. I raised this question almost month ago via AVAST “contact us”, unexpectedly without answer. Will you guys be able to provide an answer here?

Thanks in advance for any feedback!


It depends on the " commercial environment".

How many people are there ?
How many systems/devices ?
Is there a server ?
Do you want to manage things from a central point ?

You can use the free version on individual computers or you can use
the following:

Hi Eddy,
so we are talking about 50 users running 50 PC’s with AVAST Free installed on them. No server in house.
We had overtake the IT management in this company. Unfortunatelly we havent had an experience with AVAST licence program. So the question for us is, can a company with 50 devices use AVAST Free without violation of licence aggrements? Or they had to go for a paid licences?

Thanks for your reply. By any chance dont you have a link on EULA where this is clearly specified? Management of the company is asking for such kind of “evidence” :-/

It was mentioned here on the forum by one of Avast’s employees quite some time ago.
It was after they started to offer the free Avast for Business model.

Contact support:

Hi Asyn, I did already almost month ago…without any answer >:(

Post your ticket-ID.


Reported to Avast let’s see if that helps. :slight_smile:

Thanks so much, let’s wait for their response

You are not permitted to use the Software in connection with the provision of any commercial services which include processing or transferring the data of or for other persons or entities (“Data”), including cloud computing and “Software as a Service” solutions, providing storage capacities for Data; transmitting, routing of or providing connection to Data, or providing information search tool services
As you want to use it in a commercial environment, the answer to your question if you are allowed to use the free version seems to me to be no.

As there is a IT department…
You do not (or at least shouldn’t) want the users to make changes to settings and such.
I advise to use a centralized manageable system that the users can’t override.
As there is no server, I advise to use the cloud version for businesses from avast (or another company)

If you give the 50 users control, a IT department is a waste of money :wink:

I’m sure Avast will give a final and official answer. :slight_smile:

Here is the latest version of EULA:
It’s now defined with each product. Currently you can still use Free in business