use on-demand only

Hi all
I already have a memory resistant on-access virus scanner.
I want to use avast as an additional on-demand virus scanner, but without having any further processes or services runnning in the background while I am not using it.
Updates should be received whenever I start an on-demand scan, but not sooner

Is there a way to configure avast so that it behaves in this way and will not load anything at startup?

What AV are you currently using?

I would suggest that you use avast as your resident on-access scanner as I believe that there is more functionality and flexibility than the other AVs out there and use the other as the on-demand scanner (if that is possible).

The major problem when installing avast is it can detect the presence of another resident scanner and may not install all of its components to avoid possible conflict, so it may not install fully in order to achieve what you are looking for.

There are a number of good AVs that only offer on-demand protection (BitDefender) that work well with avast! You could also use on-line scanners as a backup.

While I understand your enthusiasm for avast, I do not want to switch my resident virus scanner at this time.
I might do so later, but right now I just want to test out avast as an additional on-access virus scanner. And I am trying to keep the number of resident programs and services to a minimum.

I tried Bitdefender already. But even thought I disabled all resident and automatic options, it still insisted to load at least two services and one other process during startup.

Now Avast seems to have the same problem. While I think I managed to disable the on-access scanner and the VRDB, and set the update to “manual”. Avast still loads some resident tools that do not seem to provide any additional function.

Thanks for your help

While I understand your enthusiasm for avast, I do not want to switch my resident virus scanner at this time.
My enthusiasm stems from having tried many other AVs and found avast a more flexible and configurable option and as good as or better than most. I noticed you avoided the question on which AV you are using?

You could go into msconfig startup and disable the ashMailSv.exe (mail scanner) and ashWebSv.exe (web shield) or Windows Services and and disable them completely but they start manually so the startup advice should work.

You can also Terminate them in the On-access scanners detailed view. Or even remove them using the add remove programs, avast! Anti-Virus, Change/Remove button and scroll down to Change, click next and untick the elements you don’t need. You may need to be on-line to do this.

Disable avast! services and use msconfig startup like David said.

You must ask for the update as you disabled the automatic services.

I am running windows 2000 so msconfig is not available to me.
using sysinternals autoruns i managed to find two services (ashserv.exe and asvupdsv.exe) and a resident process (ashdisp.exe), but the two DavidR mentioned are not to be found.
This might be because I already managed to disable those throught the avast settings or during installation, I am not sure.

Generally I try to avoid disabling services directly, since I think it is saver to do something like this throught the provided program options.

However, even after I disabled these three entries manually, avast still shows as a symbol in the system tray, so it seems there is still another process active

p.s. I’d rather not answer the question about my current resident scanner because I try to avoid a diskussion about which scanner might be better than the other and because I do not want to advertise for a rivaling product in the forums of the producer. I can answer that question if you insist, but how would it help?

ashDisp.exe is the icon in the system tray and GUI interface, without which you would have to run ashSimpl.exe to run on-demand scans.
Asherv.exe is the main scanning engine and ashUpdSv.exe is the avast update function.
What symbol is it that is in the tray?

You may not have msconfig as that is the XP equivalent of something that does a similar task editing startup and system entries, I would have thought something like that would also be available in w2k

The only reason I ask what AV you use is this is a lot of trouble to go to if you were using something like AVG or NAV (when there are likely to be lots of potential for install problems) as there are many happy avast users who are Ex unhappy AVG and NAV users, etc.

As I said, windows 2000 unlike windows me and xp has nothing like msconfig.
There is msinfo32, which shows some (inclomplete) startup information but does not allow to change it, and there is sysedit, which allows you to edit the config files manually.
A free and good replacement program I found is “autoruns” from sysinternals. (

The symbols in my tray are a blue circle “a” (and a blue “i” but that can be “merged” with the “a”). The context tip for this icon reads “avast! On-Access Scanner: 0 Provider(s) total, 0 running”

By now I also have found out that ashDisp.exe is still running in the background, even thought i had it disabled with sysinternals, so I am confused.

I searched the registry for any remaining mentions of ashdisp.exe without success. it is definitely not under HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, and it is not in the autostart folder either. All Services regarding avast in the control panel seem to be disabled.
So either there is still a location I missed, or a process with another name is calling ashDisp during startup.

Either way, I really wish there were an option to disable ashDisp throught the Avast configuration, without fidling with the internals of my system.
As it is, there does not even seem to be an option to shut it down once it is started without killing its process.

An option that I still have not tried would be killing the ashDisp process and then renaming the exe, but I would rather do this in a cleaner way.

ashDisp.exe is in my registry in the HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\avast! with a data value of C:\PROGRA~2\ALWILS~1\Avast4\ashDisp.exe (I found no other location) so I can’t see how it can run if that isn’t in the registry, unless you haven’t rebooted since making the changes that you mentioned before using autoruns.

Sorry I have never used w2k so I’m stumped in how to find stuff like this. Is there nothing in the system help about this?

The option of disabling the program only exists through GUI which you are trying to disable (Stop On-Access Protection, which is used for temp things like gaming and provides for toggle function to restart, but as far as I’m aware the services are still running, just no scanning) and that only lasts until you reboot. You are trying to do something that the program was never intended to do be an on-access only scanner.

Probably you’ve not installed some providers.

Well, you want special things you’ll need special tasks and work. I see the manual disabling the services (or set them to manual) will be the best choice.

ashdisp.exe is the icon in system tray. It should be started by the Run Registry Key. If not, you’ve messed something before or sysinternals are not disabling the key to be started.

I agree with David. If your main scanner is NAV (or even AVG) you’ll have trouble and conflicts whatever you try. If you want them, keep them, don’t install avast! in this conditions.