This is simply for your information.
I helped a friend today who complained that they were suddenly unable to view video files on their hgh-speed (Road Runner) connection after the recent Avast update. (Website It was necessary for them to disable the “Web Shield” in order to view those videos again. After the Web Shield was disabled video file viewing was completely restored. We were not very happy or comfortable with making that change, but it fixed their problem.
Has anyone else reported similar problems since this update has taken place? I have dial-up on my home personal computer and found that I was unable to even connect to the internet until I disabled the very same “Web Shield”. After I had disabled it everything on my computer was restored to normal. I had no such problems before the Avast program update.
For your information, some of the items which both users have in common are Avast Anti-virus free version and Comodo Internet Security 5.5.64714.1383 and Home XP2, Mozilla Firefox version 5 and Itunes.
Thanks for your time.
No problem here on Avast Internet Security 6.0.1203. Movies are loading fast and smooth. I guess that the conflict is between Comodo Firewall and Avast web-shield
Do you mean XP SP2…??
If so, tell them to update to SP3…!!
Niether of us will touch Sp3. For both of us we have found that it only degrades the performance of Windows Home XP2. Sometimes one even has to wonder if it was an item designed silmilar to the sword that a bullfighter sticks into the bull to finish the bullfight. Sort of a pre-Win-7 phenomenom. In any case, Sp3 never has made any computer I know operate better, almost consistently… Worse.
Comodo completely updated their firewall on (I think) the same day that Avast updated it’s anti-virus software. There are bound to be surprises.
;D(off-the-side: I almost forgot that Vista preceded Win-7, but than again, most people don’t remember Windows Me either!)
Nonsense…!! >:(
Only reason not to update to SP3 on XP is a non legit install.
Be aware, that XP SP2 isn’t supported by MS anymore.
I haven’t found that to be the case on any system that I upgraded to SP3 or that we have suggested be undated. The additional security enhancements in SP3 over and above the security updates after SP2 shouldn’t have any performance impact. So I don’t know why is going on in the systems you have tried it on.
SP3 isnt a security update ? I am wrong ?
Yes, there are additional security features built into the OS, not just security updates released after SP2.
I am wrong ?
I am not certain if I will be able to offer any conclusive close to this report ‘blog’ but I am wondering if perhaps the order and timing in which Avast & Comodo updates were installed on these 2 computers might have something to do with this problem. I am at the moment suspecting the possibility that the updates were installed at almost precisely the same moment, causing some installation details to cross paths in the process.
Unfortunately I can never get direct access to my friend’s computer to service it when needed (he can get rather busy) so it might be a moment before I can uninstall components and test this theory.
On my end I am feeling very good about the latest updates on both Avast & Comodo (I have also seen them working extremely well on other systems). These updates did seem to arrive at precisely the same time… This set up a situation in which they were both much more likely to be installed at the same moment. I think that both software designers seem to be offering some very good product at this time.
Thanks to all for comments & I may be back if I learn more, but I doubt that I could prove my conclusion in any case. It just happens to make a lot of sense to me.