User-choice downloading their own language


As I know, when downloading AMS it will download all of supported language to the phone. And of course, users will never use all of them, they just use their favor language.
So, I suggest that give an option of choosing language when installing AMS. This will download AMS with just user-defined language(s). Also it will reduce memory storage of AMS.

In addition, I want to ask if you can reduce RAM storage of AMS. In my phone, AMS’s processes often take 12MB of RAM, and there are many bugs while I surf the Internet on my phone :frowning:


Tran Thanh Binh


thanks for the suggestions. The external language packs, as seen on Windows for example, are not that easy to do on Android since there is a built-in localization API that handles all that and I fear we would have to rewrite the whole application to enable that (amongst other side-effects such as possibly slowing down the app).

About the RAM, it would probably be possible to reduce the RAM usage to some extent, no argument there, but I’m not sure it would be worth the effort. On my device, AMS often takes around 25MB of RAM and that is only because I have XHDPI display which uses larger graphics resources for the app to look good. If you have lower DPI, your resources are smaller and taking up less RAM. As you can see the difference if the usage between the two of us, the RAM is taken mostly by the graphics resources and I don’t think anything significant can be done about that without making the app look worse.


Since my phone has just 154 MB of RAM, there are usually bug while running large-size processes, such as surfing the Internet, playing games, etc., they take nearly whole of RAM storage and the phone is not responding :o.


I totally understand your problem, but there is not much I can do :frowning: I’m pretty sure we won’t be “downgrading” our graphics to decrease the RAM footprint, sorry.


I see your point. Thank you anyway.