Hi all,
When I start AVAST 4.8 Home the Avast simple user interface screen appears and I can see the top of that and move it out of the way of the smaller grey interface behind it. But the smaller grey interface (with the icons around the side) is almost off the top of my computer’s screen - I can just see the skull. how do I move it down? I cant seem to click on it anywhere to do this ???
I have been away from W98 too long to remember how to solve this.
But, we do have some W98 users here and hopefully, they can offer help.
First make sure you’ve alt-tabbed to the window, or clicked on it once to bring it into focus. Then right-click on the window name on taskbar and choose Move. Hit any one of the arrow keys (Left, Right, Down, Up), move your mouse, and the window should move back onto the screen. This should work on any Windows version but haven’t used 98 in a long time…
How much RAM do you have?
Memory management of Windows 98 is not that good…
Hey Reductase - that worked ! It’ll come in very usefull. Thanks heaps. BTW, I think I have 64 or 128 of RAM - its a 10 year old 330 machine that just keeps going.