Using avast 4 with IM

I am fairly new to the Internet, E-mail, and IM (less than a year). I downloaded avast 4 Home less than a month ago and I can not figure out how to set up avast with IMing. I have 2 IM accounts: MSN and Yahoo. For MSN I went to Tools - Options - Messages Tab - Browse - Program Files - Alwil Software - Avast4 and found a whole list of .exe files. ??? Which one do I use ??? Or am I going about this all wrong ???

As fas as Yahoo IM, I have no idea where to start. ???

Most of popular IM programs are covered by IM Module in avast. But you can set manual scan to (i sure you can do this for MSN Messenger). Just enter ashQuick.exe as antivirus scanner. You can also use this program for downloaders to automatically scan downloaded files or for WinZIP…

:)Thanks RejZoR, that should take care of it for MSN messenger. Where may I find the IM Module. Is it on the avast web site or is it a part of what I have already downloaded?

Its already included. Open On-Access Panel (L Click on “a” ball near clock). Here you should have Instant Messenging under Installed Modules. Just check all programs for it and you’re ready to go. No ashQuick.exe required than :wink:

;D I found where you are talking about. It is apparently set up and working since the scan count stands at 34.

However my Internet Mail scan count is 0. :cry: Does avast only work with client mail such as Outlook Express?

If you’re using MS Outlook,than Outlook/Exchange Module keeps an eye on mails. Otherwise you need to use Mail Protection Wizard or enter settings by yourself.

I am using Outlook Express, not Outlook. I did use the Mail Protection Wizard to set up my SMTP Server and POP3 Server and still nothing seems to happen. I don’t know how to enter the settings by myself. :cry:

Ok,edit your current accounts so they’ll look like this (enter POP,SMTP and username/password info where required). Its very easy when you understand it (probably after 5 sec :wink: )

POP: localhost
Pass: your_password

SMTP: localhost
Pass: your_password

Ok, RejZor, you lost me even before 5 seconds. Remember I really am a newbe in more than once sence of the word. Not only to avast but also Outlook Express, and the Internet and email for that matter.

???Where do I enter that information? I may need someone to lead me step by step, maybe even letter by letter. Do I enter the info in Outlook Express or avast?

You need to put that information into your emails accounts of Outlook Express. But Mail Protection Wizard should have done it for you automatically… ::slight_smile:

Could you follow this:

Remember that avast handles more than one SMTP server, to configure your e-mail client (program) follow these steps:

  1. Close all your email applications.
  2. Start Windows Menu > avast! antivirus > Mail Protection Wizard
  3. Click Next on the first screen
  4. Choose ‘Setup the protection manually’
  5. Choose 'I don’t use MS Outlook (nor MS Exchange client) or
    ‘I use other programs to work with e-mails as well’
    a) with MS Outlook/Exchange, the Wizard finishes here.
    b) with another e-mail client:
    After the service was disabled, choose Next
    Select your e-mail accounts (or ‘My accounts is not in the list…’ to get help)
    Finish your configuration and the service will start again.
    You can run the Mail Protection Wizard more than once and all the changes could be reversed (‘Automatically remove protection from all my accounts’). Nowadays, the following Internet Mail Clients are supported: MS Outlook (including Outlook 2003), MS Exchange, MS Outlook Express, Eudora, Pegasus Mail, Netscape Mail, Mozilla Mail, IncrediMail and The Bat!
    If this not help, you, try the help file Manual setting of mail protection. Launch your mail program and let the program display the account settings.
    1. If you want to check outgoing messages, change the address of SMTP server to the address of the local computer, i.e. The localhost or is the way to scan your outbound mail.
    2. If you want to check incoming messages, change the address of POP (IMAP) server to the address of the local computer, i.e. The localhost or is the way to scan your inbound mail.
    3. Change user (login) name this way: append the character # (double hash) and the address of your POP (IMAP) server (the same as you specified in the avast4.ini file in Step one). Login name should then look like this:
    4. If your e-mail program supports SMTP authentication and also makes it possible to set a different login name for SMTP than for POP
    5. If the SMTP authentication is enabled, append the character # and the address of your SMTP server to the login name (e.g.
    6. If the SMTP authentication is disabled, enable it and use the character # together with the address of your SMTP server as the login name (e.g.
    7. Save your changes.

Thanks Technical. From your post and from the help files I gather that avast 4 is for use with Internet Mail Clients.

“You can run the Mail Protection Wizard more than once and all the changes could be reversed (‘Automatically remove protection from all my accounts’). Nowadays, the following Internet Mail Clients are supported: MS Outlook (including Outlook 2003), MS Exchange, MS Outlook Express, Eudora, Pegasus Mail, Netscape Mail, Mozilla Mail, IncrediMail and The Bat!”

I have Outlook Express which should have been configured with the Mail Wizard the first time that I ran it.
However, I have 3 other web-based e-mail accounts that I do not use with Outlook Express because they will not allow POP3 without my paying for their premium service. Am I correct to say the avast will only work with my Outlook Express and not with my Yahoo and Mail2World e-mail accounts?

Am I correct to say the avast will only work with my Outlook Express and not with my Yahoo and Mail2World e-mail accounts?

In a word, yes. The basic rule is that you can only protect SMTP/POP3/IMAP4 based accounts.


;D Thank you very much Vik. That’s what I need to know. ;D Consider this thread closed.