Using Avast to check Email

This is a basic question. I am not sure Avast is checking my incoming and outgoing E mail. Using Outlook Express, I have to stop checking Email in Avast to get and send mailmail via my ISP. Suggestions Please.

that’s the general topic section, this should have been posted here:

…yeah, you can’t send/receive mails when avast mail scanner is on because your email provider most likely requires ssl (encrypted) connections. Avast email scanner cannot scan that and if you set it on it just blocks everything. There are solutions, depending on how familiar you are with computers…
This said, the new version, avast 5 currently in beta solves this problem. You might want to wait until it’s out (a couple of weeks now I think…) and forget the mail scanner in avast 4 until then.

Thanks for your help. What is network shield protecting?

it checks what’s sent and how it’s sent through the network…misc types of attacks.

thanks again