This Youtube CNET video is kinda old, but someone just sent it to me wondering if I had heard of it. I haven’t, but I’m betting someone here has! If you have, how well does it work.
I have vaguely heard of it, but I haven’t seen it and being on dial-up unlikely to even try.
One thing for sure it will never be as good/fast as adding more RAM to the original XP system up to a maximum of 4GB of RAM. Anything after 2GB on XP isn’t very useful I have never come across an incidence where the 2GB I have wasn’t enough. So unless you are using applications that are able to use/need lots of RAM then I really don’t see the need for this kind of thing anyway, just add more RAM to your system and 2GB is likely to be more than enough on XP.
ReadyBoost (resumably what this is trying to emulate) was introduced after XP so it was never designed to work with XP. So any lash-up is likely to be less effective than ReadyBoost, which also isn’t going to be as fast as more physical RAM added to the system.
stupid trick : ready boost (simulating RAM) is already a joke (a commercial joke intended to make you buy Seven or Vista for your old rig ;D ) on Seven/Vista…now advising to use your USB key to store the page file for XP is just pathetic…
before I even knew about this whole subject/had vista, I bought an 8GB memory stick, and on the packaging it said that it can be used for readyboost…I just wanted a memory stick ;D
From what I remember reading about it, the max size for this is 4 GB, so that is a bit cheeky for the manufacturers…
And now that I have vista, I don’t need it anyway…so I use the memory stick for what it was bought for…my school work
And as David/Yokenny said, I doubt it would not be too useful on a system with a reasonable amount of RAM…
One other thing, wasn’t he using a pre XP system… ;D
Thanks for all the comments! I will definitely share them. My system is fine, but she keeps complaining about how slow hers is and ran then across the video I linked to above. I have XP (as does she). My system is a lot newer than hers, though, and I’m fine with my setup the way it is.