I’m using Windows XP, Orange are my ISP, and I use Outlook Express (6) for my email. I use the Windows Firewall and I use Avast Home Edition 4.7. A couple of weeks ago I started to have a problem in sending emails - no problem in receiving them, just sending them. I use the Orange email servers (pop.orangehome.co.uk for incoming and smtp.orangehome.co.uk for outgoing).
The message I get when I try to send is:
An unknown error has occurred. Account ‘Home Orange’. Server: ‘smtp.orangehome.co.uk’. Protocol SMTP, Server Response: '421 Cannot connect to SMTP server ( connect error 10051, Port 25 Secure (SSL): No, Server Error 421, Error Number 0x800CCC67.
I’ve tried deleting and recreating my email profiles and I’ve tried disabling my firewall. But still I can’t send emails.
One thing I have to add is that this seems to be an intermittent problem. For a couple of days I won’t be able to send emails and then I’ll sit down and try sending again and I will be able to send. But then perhaps an hour later I won’t be able to send again.
Seems a problem on connecting the smtp server…
When the problem occurs, if you open a command line window (Run > cmd > Enter) and type: ping
will it return as working?
A google search for the server error number and the error number 0x800CCC67 returns many hits, but this one seems close to what yours problem is even though it is an old post.
From these I would suggest your ISP is having problems with the smtp email server, which is also borne out by the fact that it is an intermittent problem. Check if they have support pages that show the status of the various services, email, web connection, etc. Short of that report the problem to them.
Thanks for your help guys. I shall try once again to speak to the man in the far-off land - the man who struggles to speak my language and yet, curiously, has a very English name, and who can only read from a script and who every 2 minutes will try to becalm me with ‘Thank you for your patience Nicky’. Ho hum.
Are there on on-line support pages ?
That should have a service status, which should say if they are experiencing any problems.
If not then there is probably a support form where you can report faults, etc.
Yes, I’ve read all the Orange help topics on this type of problem.
I have spoken again with the man in far-off land. I told him everything that I’d tried (including creating a thread on this forum and trying to ping the server) and he asked me to create a new email account and try sending an email. I did and I couldn’t. He asked me try sending an email to myself, and again I couldn’t send. He said that Orange are currently experiencing no problems with their email servers. The only thing he could suggest was that my Outlook Express software has become corrupted and that I should delete it and reinstall it. Would it be an intermittent problem if Outlook Express was causing this?
This support guy is clearly clueless and the extent of his knowledge is probably as you noticed script led.
As for the OE being corrupt that would effect both inbound and outbound email and it would be permanent and not intermittent. The pings clearly show there is a problem of response times at the email server and that isn’t associated with OE, so you have two indications that there is something wrong, the OE Server Error 421/Error Number 0x800CCC67 and the ping failures.
I too tried to ping the IP and that too failed, see image.
Are you sure there is no way to contact support using either email or the on-line form which gives you a support ticket.
I’m wired to the modem. No, Orange don’t have a ticketing system. Essentially, they seem to spend approximately 10 seconds reading an email that you’ve taken the time and trouble to contruct to try and outline the problem as clearly and as thoroughly as possibly, and they just send you a link to the help topic that they think approximates most closely to your problem. Frustrating, to say the least.
I did think that if the problem was OE then I would also have problems in receiving emails. I’ve also tried using Thunderbird but had the same problems.
What I can say is that I CAN send emails using the same Orange email account but using webmail. I’m not sure if this means anything?
I’m going to try emailing Orange one more time to tell them about the two indicators pointing to the problem not being OE but being their server and see what they say to that.
Webmail uses an entirely different protocol, so is unrelated an I would expect it to get through.
It is at times like these when you experience problems and find support lacking that you re-evaluate your ISP and how easy it is to switch.
I don’t rely on my ISP for email but have my own domain name and host for email services only, it isn’t very expensive. That way if I switch ISP I don’t have to change my email address and so far their service has been good. When there has been a problem I can check their service status pages and support is quite good.
You’re right David, you do start to re-evaluate your isp. It’s just that I’ve been with Freeserve/Wanadoo/Orange for quite a few years now and so down those years it’s quite a few people/agencies/companies/organisations who I’ve given my email address to. Even so, maybe it’s time to move on - I’ve got a gmail webmail account now so maybe it’s easier just to start using that address for all my emails.
I spent some time today looking at Orange and the stability of its SMTP service - the web reports over the last couple of years could hardly be called first class service.
I agree with Alan about Orange, I have an Orange pay as you go mobile phone but I wouldn’t have their Internet service.
The History isn’t good, it seemed fine when it was Freeserve, but when Wana’don’t’ took it over it started going downhill and major complaints about its service and poor customer servise. Seems like that hasn’t changed much under Orange.