V. 4.7.936 Won't Install on Windows ME!!!

V.4.7.936 won’t install via the program updater. Uninstalling Avast! and using the .exe file from the website does not work either. Both methods were extremely slow and hung-up permanently at 50%.
I now have no antivirus thanks to the poorly designed downloaders!
Do you intend to admit the problem, correct the problem and provide ample explicit directions on where to obtain the fixed download file or do I have to seek antivirus protection elsewhere?
I have always liked Avast! and experienced no problems with it, but this V.4.7.936 error is intolerably sloppy incompetence that I do not have the time or the patience to deal with.

If you just wait a few hours, the problem will be corrected - as posted e.g. here.
Sorry for the troubles.

Same issues with win98se. Should be fixed in next release.


The installation of this version on my computer (win98se) took me about 8 hours and 45 minutes to complete! :-[

So be patient! :smiley:

Apparently no one understood my post. The program will not install. Period. All the updates in the world are useless for a program that isn’t installed.
My original Avast! install and two subsequent program updates went flawlessly, so I find the behavior of this update totally unacceptable. I have looked over the posts of other users and see a litany of problems that tell me V.4.7.936 is a cyber cluster-f*ck, to use the technical term.
If you are unable or unwilling to provide an installer and program that work properly, just say so and those of us who wish to be competently protected will move on.
Avast! has been great in the past, but antivirus protection is not about warm, fuzzy nostalgia; it is about what have you done for me today!
Today is a washout. I’ll be watching, but not for long.

if you can’t wait for a few hours to have a problem corrected… then buy an antivirus which problems are corrected 1 month later like N*n or Mce :smiley: :smiley: ;D

this forum is useful and nice because its members ARE nice and polite :stuck_out_tongue: If you can’t understand that you don’t need to post here.

so :

  • there’s an installer problem → it will be solved in a few hours
  • try to install in safe mode (F8 at start) it works…
  • next time, don’t be so agressive with goodwill people who work hard to give you a good and free antivirus… 8)

I’m sorry, fixing the issues seems to take a little more time than expected, but it will be solved today.

Regarding the update… sure, you’ll most likely need to download the installer from our web pages and run it - that’s all.

The current version 4.7.936 has problems.
If you need TODAY another version, use an old one from here: http://www.filehippo.com/download_avast_antivirus/
4.7892 would be good 8)