With all builds before the latest 235, the on-access scanner scanned all files on open when entering the “*” as extension in the appropriate box. Thus it detected a renamed eicar (e.g. eicar.txt) file as being “infected”. However this behaviour stopped with the latest version although the file itself is scanned.
The file is scanned because the on-access scanner window lists it as scanned. Anyway, even a reboot didn’t make Avast see the eicar string in a “eicar.txt”. But a “pause provider”, then “resume provider” did. Now avast sees the eicar string again; I was just curious if you changed something in the extension settings…
I have no problems putting the * into the exctension list. (after update) it scans ALL files without problems.
Isn’t it nescecary to put ALL extensions in the list like .txt. .exe. com etc… or does the * replaces ALL extensions just by putting the * in ? Really ?