Various Rootkit & Trojan Infections, Help needed

Hi guys! You all have helped me a few times in the past and when a friend asked me to help her with her laptop, this forum was the first to pop up in my head.

I first installed avast and not 5 min later I started to get virus popups. Adware, trojans and even a rootkit. I think one did something to the mbr because it took me a DAY to get the laptop to boot up to windows again. It takes about 5 mins now to boot up. Im still getting alerts every 5 min.

I’ve attached everything I could to help in assisting.
Im also attaching a screen of avast’s chest for the infections it did manage to get.

also attach aswMBR log

removers are notified…

your malwarebytes version is years old… install latest version and run a new quick scan

i also see AVG / McAfee / Symanetc files in there … have you not uninstalled old antivirus programs?

I thought I removed all the old stuff from the start before I installed avast. Thanks will try now

There are the AVG Toolbar, Web Cake, ASK and other crap on the system.
And also Browser Defender.

Then there is an Hijack.DisplayProperties, and an Fake Antivirus.

Nice selection of Malware and Adware, but there are bader things out there. :wink:

Malwarebytes Download:

@Pondus: AVG is just the AVG Toolbar as far i can see.
McAfee is the McAfee Security Scan not an real antivirus from them
Symantec stuff is just PC Checkup

Hi there, are you sure this computer still works ? We are talking adware city here

Download the attached fix.txt to the desktop

Run OTL and press Run Fix
A dialogue will open asking for the location of fix.txt
Navigate to and select the fix.txt file on the desktop
Press Run Fix again
This clean up may take longer than normal as there is a lot to remove


Please download Junkware Removal Tool to your desktop.

[]Right-mouse click JRT.exe and select “Run as Administrator” the tool will open and start scanning your system
]please be patient as this can take a while to complete depending on your system’s specifications
[]On completion, a log (JRT.txt) is saved to your desktop and will automatically open.
]post the contents of JRT.txt into your next message.

Essexboy, yeah lol, like i said it took me a day to get it to boot to windows.

its currently scanning with aswMBR. I was going to do a new malwarebytes scan next.

Should I skip those steps & follow yours. Or just wait?

aswmbr log attached

OK the adlyrics will be killed by OTL … Continue with the fix steps please

Nice that AVG gives you webcake Not…

Thanks guys. But unfortunately the hd died on me yesterday while doing the mwb scan. So im just gonna install her a new one.

Again, thanks alot for the quick responses/help. This is a great forum!

Sorry for the broken Harddrive. :frowning:

Good luck.

Btw besides avg & adblock on chrome, what do you guys recommend i install on the new drive to keeps things from getting outta hand on her laptop again lol

You could use Avast Internet Security which has a silent firewall so it will not ask you when something happens.

Or you could use Avast Free with Comodo Firewall which is more an Ask when something happens software. :wink: