Enclosed are the published test result of the Dutch and Britsh Consumers Association.
Accouring to the test results Avst does allow donwloding virusses
quote >
Als extra test heeft de bond geïnfecteerde Word-bestanden laten controleren en werden bestanden met virussen gedownload. De virusscanner Avast stond het downloaden van virussen gewoon toe
< unquote
As an extra test the bond (=dutch) let check infrected Word-files and downloaded virus infected files.
Avast allowed the download of the infected files.
the Question is how do we have te interpred the test and what are the conculsions.
DEN HAAG - Antivirusprogramma’s onderscheppen lang niet alle virussen op de computer. Dat meldt de Consumentenbond woensdag naar aanleiding van een onderzoek naar virusscanners.
De Consumentenbond heeft samen met de Britse consumentenorganisatie Consumers Association de in Nederland verkrijgbare antivirussoftware en gratis programma’s van internet getest. Uit het onderzoek blijkt dat virusscanners vaak een steekje laten vallen. Trojaanse paarden, virussen die zijn vermomd als gewoon programmaatje, komen de computer bij enkele pakketten makkelijk binnen.
De gratis antivirussoftware AVG laat vier van de vijf Trojaanse paarden door en het programma Norman laat de helft door. Als extra test heeft de bond geïnfecteerde Word-bestanden laten controleren en werden bestanden met virussen gedownload. De virusscanner Avast stond het downloaden van virussen gewoon toe. De bekende programma’s McAfee, Norton en Kaspersky kwamen wel goed uit de test.
De Consumentenbond heeft acht losse virusscanners onderzocht, drie losse firewalls en vier bundels met beide soorten software.
Thank you for posting such this article however, next time, would you please obtain a translated copy. Many users here are not Dutch speaking. I have provided a fair translation for you. It really did not say too much damaging about Avast. I have not detected any failure of Avast to identify, isolate and clean any virus in downloaded email or documents.
THE HAGUE - Antivirus programmes intercept not nearly all viruses on the computer. That message was communicated Wednesday to the consumer association as a result of a study into virus scanners.
The consumer association with the British consumer group Consumers Association the antivirussoftware available in the Netherlands have for free tested internet antivirus programmes. From the research it becomes clear that virus scanners frequently let fall through Trojan horses, and viruses which have been disguised as ordinary programs and allow them to come in the computer at some points easily.
The free antivirus software AVG let four of five Trojan horses by and the program Norman, let through half of the trojans. Infected Word-documents were used as an extra test and the software let the infected files be downloaded. The virus scanner Avast permitted downloading the viruses simply. The well-known programs McAfee, Norton and Kaspersky did well in the test.
The consumer association has examined eight virus scanners, three firewalls and celebrate cords with both types software.
Could this all be a hoax? I would NOT expect the originator of this topic to post such. So… What can be done to enhance and make avast! more robust/secure or otherwise improve upon it’s detection capabilities? The top dogs can help us with this.