vast VPN blocking access to upload files

Hey guys, I’m having a bit of trouble with Avast VPN blocking access to upload APK files to my server storage. It used to work just fine before the update. Has anyone else encountered this issue and found a way around it? It’s really getting on my nerves!

Is your server on the same network and is it Private?

VPN protocol usually is set as a Public network, which would mean your system cannot see the server on the private network as matter of course.

Does the connection work when you disable your VPN? If it does, that is because you are now on the same Private network as the server. If on CAT 5 or CAT 6 (wired) same steps apply.

Yeah, my server is indeed on a private network. When I disable the VPN, the connection works fine, and I can upload files without any issues. However, when the VPN is active, it seems to block the upload process.

Regarding the live video streaming, it’s a bit intermittent. Sometimes it works smoothly, but occasionally the streams get stuck. It’s quite frustrating.

I’ve noticed this issue particularly when I try to upload plugins or files to It’s like the VPN is interfering with the upload process on this specific website.

It’s odd because everything was working fine before the update. Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot or work around this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

You may already know now about these settings but best to cover anyway:

(See attached below:)

I’ve also noted on some sites, such as, I cannot connect when in VPN. This is a setting they’ve made, for obvious reasons.

Default settings for Avast VPN are:

  • Home or business network is Private
  • VPN is Public

[EDIT:] For best security, make the change for VPN to Private temporary, and revert when finished uploading to your site. You may have to restart your system for these settings to take effect.