??? Hi, can somebody tell me what I should do with this virus? It’s contained inside Avast’s chest at the moment along with these 3 other files: kernel32.dll, winsock.dll and wsock32.dll, which having been scanned have showed no virus. I’ve even d/l the fix tool off Symantec’s web site and scanned my system which appears to be bug free. So, what am I supposed to do with these files - delete them or forever let them reside inside this chest?
These three files (dlls) are not infected - they are backup copies of the system files which are changed by viruses frequently. You might notice that they are not in the category “infected files” but “system files”.
Nebbermind ;D I figured things out. Thanks for the reply.
Sorry for asking but I have the same files in my chest, the only issue is these buggers are huge! :-\
Copied directly from file > properties for each item:
kernal32.dll = Size of file 930304
winsock.dll = Size of file 2864
wsock.dll = Size of file 21504
Can anyone explain as to why these are so big?
Can I delete them if they are backups? When I look at the current files in each of the original locations the file size is absolutely minumal in comparison?
I also have another file:
command.com = Size of file 93040
sitting in there as well. Is this another copy?
Any help with this is greatly appreciated!
If there is no size unit like MB or KB than these are Bytes.
command.com = Size of file 93040
This is roughly around 90 KB in size
Btw do you still have VBS:Loveletter ? I would like to have it hehe,its somehow a legendary insect Pack it with ZIP and lock it with password: virus
than send it to my mail. Thx
Please do not ask for sending viruses between users on this forum. This is definitely no Virus Exchange board. The only exception is when we ask people just to send viruses/suspected files/false alarms to virus@avast.com for inspection and help.
Thank you for understanding…
I understand,and all viruses are going only to me and nowhere else. I’m building an archive/collection for myself (no nasty thoughts hehe). Some collect stamps,others collect badges,i’m colecting viruses and worms. Strange,but very interesting hobby
Here’s my current collection:
PS: Any ideas on where can i find Brain virus (the grandfather of all viruses?) Ok i’ll stop if its against the board rules :-[