I’ve recently been running routine scans on my computer and it has been bringing up tons of VBS:Malware-gen. I know next to very little about computer security systems, but I’ve had my macbook air for about five years now and never really had any problems with it. On my last scan it dug up some 80+ VBS:Malware-gen but I still only have about 4 virus’ in the Virus Chest. I ran another scan and the virus is still showing up in the scan, what is this stuff and how do I get rid of it?
I’m having the same problem, I just ran a full Avast scan and it found 76 Malware-gen items but I ran Malwarebytes and it found nothing. I think the latest Avast virus definition update seems really messed up.
Well it’s somewhat comforting to know it’s not just me. I’m looking through the report and the path shows the malware popping up in tons of odd places, video game save files, my dictionary, power points from university I downloaded, as well as my cache. Are these the kinds of places the malware is popping up in for you?
Hopefully it makes you feel better knowing that it’s happening to others too. As soon as I booted up my PC today I’ve been getting constant pop ups of VBS:Maleware-Gen detected. Did a full virus scan and Avast found about 90 things infected with VBS:Maleware-Gen, meanwhile Malwarebytes has found nothing. Most likely a bad virus definition update
For me a lot of the places Avast reportedly found Malwaregen are the config folder for PyCharm (which is legitimate programming software) and the folder for the Windows Store app Asphalt Airborne. So its popping up in odd places for me too.
Yup. same here, I just powered on my PC an hour ago, kept getting VBS:Malware-gen pop-ups from Avast randomly when browsing with Chrome, then I decided to run a full scan to see what is really going on, then BANG, over 40 VBS:Malware-gen detections showed up , PC is equipped with malwarebytes+cryptoprevent, one of the strongest security combo out there…
hey i have a very similar screen shot of what was just posted except I am on a Mac computer. Im also using avast+malwarebytes. Is there any solution or way to remove this virus?
Created an account to say that I’m also experiencing this issue. Malwarebytes is not detecting any malwares from my PC. Hopefully we can get a word from Avast about this issue. The pop up appears whenever I’m browsing the internet.
I’ve got VBS:Malware-gen apparently. Just out of the blue. Avast said I had 96 infected files and moved around 66 per cent to the Chest eventually (really had to muck about to even get Avast to do that). But I have 23 infected files left and Avast won’t move them, delete them, or do anything to them. When I restart the computer Avast isn’t automatically picking them up and moving them to the Chest or deleting them. What is going on please? Tuesday 22 Feb 2017