VBS Malware [script] FALSE alARAM by AVast?

ok to any of the mods or someone who can help me plz… i’ve been playing my CHAMPIONSHIP MANAGER game all day! and everything is great… then i go on internet to check some WRESTLING News… and all of a sudden RESIDENT PROTECTION says it found a virus named:

VBS Malware [script] in my TEMPORARY INTERNET FILEs folder?? now what should i do? i looked at it in the Virus definitions in TREND MICRO and it said it was very dangerous… but when i checked system with HOUSECALL (Their free online scan) nothing was found!!

Is this another false alarm by Avast… and i shouldnt worryy bout it or no?? because about 2 weeks ago i had the same problem with 2 other viruses and got into lots of trouble for DOING something… and NOT JUST IGNORING IT??

So can nebody help?

  1. You can set avast! to exclude that file(s) from scanning (MENU → SETTINGS → EXCLUSION)

  2. Send that files to Mr. Divis (divis@asw.cz. He´s our “viral guru” :D, he will analyse that files. Maybe it really is false positive - he´s the one who can say YES or NO. :wink:

(Malware) files in T.I.F. = IE-Browser-Cache can mostly be deleted safely, except if you want to send them in for analzing to avast.

when i checked system with HOUSECALL (Their free online scan) nothing was found!!

did you maybe tell avast resident shield to delete/move/quarantine the file?
Then of course TrendScan can’t find anything afterwards

because about 2 weeks ago i had the same problem with 2 other viruses and got into lots of trouble for DOING something.. and NOT JUST IGNORING IT??

It’s generally advisable to first get information about a virus on the system before deleting/moving it.
'Cause indeed sometimes there have to be made some system modifications/repairs
(manually or with special AV-Tools; see e.g. Avast-Cleaner: http://www.avast.com/i_idt_171.html)
before repairing/deleting malware files; especially if the virus is already active and not just slumbering on the system, like in T.I.F./Temp/Download-folders :wink: