avast found this virus VCL-4.SI[encrypted] on my system and I can not do anything with it as far as deleting, repairing it or sending it to the chest.
What can I do or what haven`t I done rigth?
Can anyone tell me how to get it out of my system? Its in File name, C:_Restore\Archive\FS16.CAB I hope some one can lend me a helping hand
Thanks -----------Dave
That is a realy old DOS Virus(constructorkit?), i think they would not run under Win9x anymore… It could be a false alarm. You maybe send that file to support@asw.cz . If you want to delete that file you can boot to dos and delete it manual, or you disable and enable the Restorefunktion under Windows. If you do not know how to do this, take a look at this site http://vil.nai.com/vil/SystemHelpDocs/DisableSysRestore.htm and that Viruswarning will disapear. Be sure to enable the funktion again.