Verizon OneTalk TXT messaging blocked by Avast & AVG

My users have Verizon desktop phones and we have recently installed the Verizon One Talk app to streamline phone calls, voicemail and TXT messages. It has a TXT based “chat” app built-in and displays incoming calls, lets you place outgoing calls, check voicemail, etc. The placing and receiving of voice calls is working fine, however Avast & AVG seem to be blocking the TXTing capabilities. If AVG is is running with all shields up, OneTalk throws up a red warning banner informing me that chat is unavailable.

If I temporarily disable all of the AVG shields, the “chat unavailable” warning goes away and texting works fine.
If I restore the shields but disable only the “Email Shield / Scan inbound emails (POP3, IMAP4)” setting (which is weird), the “chat unavailable” warning goes away and texting works fine.

Reading the fine manual tells me the ports and protocols that OneTalk needs to function. I have made sure the app is unblocked by AVG but but I am new to setting specific Rules. Here’s the page from the manual. Any help would be appreciated:

Ports and protocols for One Talk
One Talk for Desktop app uses the following ports and protocols for communication. Ensure these ports and protocols are not blocked by the firewall or desktop security software.
Device configuration/authentication
• Protocol: https
• Port: 444
911 feature provisioning
• Protocol: https
• Port: 443 Signaling
• Protocol: SIPTLS
• Port: 443 and 5061
Media (voice/video)
• Protocol: SRTP
• Port: any
One Talk desk phones
Device configuration
• Protocol: https
• Port: 443 Signaling
• Protocol: SIPTLS
• Port: 5061 Network time
• Protocol: NTP
• Port: 123

Report a false positive (select file or website)

Thanks, Bob, I did that just now. Does this actually do anything?

I need a prompt solution as I disabled Email scanning as a temporary workaround.

If it’s a false positive, you should see a fairly prompt result.
Usually by the next vps update.

I answered your duplicate post -
Since you are using AVG you should use their support forum as the Avast UI is way different .