I purchased the 3 PC license from avast. I loaded onto 2 computers. When I received the license, it had a password in the email.
I went to the summary tab to try to connect to my avast account. I entered the email (that I had avast send me the license info) and the password they gave me. It send the username/pwd was invalid.
Then I tried to look at the support forum and i had to register/activate my email. so i used the same email address and i created a new password to login and use the support forum. obviously, i was able to login with the activated account.
i went ahead and tried the activated/registered account to CONNECT with an AVAST account, but again, it said invalid username/password.
Can someone help me understand which email and password I’m suppose to use to connect to my avast account via the Summary Tab?
Thank you in advance.
p.s. I read many posts in the user forum, but I didn’t find this specific problem.
The credentials (email/password) of the account are not necessarily the same as your purchase.
You need to sign in (register) into an avast! account before you login.
Could be a temporary glitch with the account connection.
I have a similar problem, but I have been an account holder since 2009. When I start up Avast to perform a scan, it displays the “not connected to any account” message. Avast seems to have LOST MY ACCOUNT, even though I’m paid up until July 2012. Since the Avast support system requires you to have a current account in order to report a problem, my only recourse seems to be this forum. Very frustrating!
Avast, please fix my account or tell me what to do next.
Replying to Bob3160: As I stated in the first sentence of my post, “I have been an account holder since 2009.” I have a user ID and a password, which Avast no longer recognizes, even though my license does not expire until July. When I start up Avast, my display does not show the message pointed to by the arrow in the picture in your post. Instead, it says “Not connected with any avast! account.”
That is because YOU have not created an account and connected to the new account system, this has NOTHING to do with your previous dealings with Avast. Use the “Connect” button and create your account for “My Avast”.
I followed the tutorial, but when I clicked on the link from my email message to verify my email address, I got a “server temporarily down” message (sorry I didn’t get the exact verbiage).
So I tried again to follow that link a few minutes later, but now I get a “Link expired” message. When I click on “return to MyAvast home page” and click on the blue “Resend” button, I get a “This email is already in use” message, and no confirmation email is sent. I seem to be stuck in an endless loop now–I can’t log in because the system has never processed my verification, and I can’t re-verify because the system thinks I’m already verified and won’t send a new verification email.
Can this be reset by Avast support so that I can try again?
Don’t know if avast can reset this but when the system was first introduced and the server was on/off quite a lot I had the same thing happen.
I signed up again with a different email address , once in your account console you will find the ability to to add/remove email addresses and choose which address is to be your primary contact , so you can use which ever address you want.
Thanks for the tip, AdranH! HOWEVER, when I started Avast this morning, it showed me as “connected,” and I can now log in to “myAvast.” So the problem seems to have corrected itself.
My support login is now mysteriously working again, too.
Hopefully, their anti-virus software has fewer bugs than their admin software.