That is what it has just done (I was just finishing off some work before a restart), but I find it strange that the Program version doesn’t do the same thing, change after a reboot.
@ AllwaysS…d,
Again, you are reading something into my reply.
I’m simply stating the facts. No need to moan or groan.
Just passing the information along so Avast can gain information and fix anything that’s wrong. @DavidR,
The end screen in the video is from before a system reboot.
Once rebooted, it reflects the correct version and build.
Updated to the latest AIS version (see sig below) without issue. This was done after I uninstalled the previious version18.3.2333 and then installed Spring Creators Update 1803 with just Windows Defender running.
As always, this is a clean install using the full offline installer. No issues whatever. Well, almost none. I show (1) shield disabled, same as before.
What is notable is the vastly improved built-in help section found in the new Menu drop-down. Nice. Cold boot start-up time is around 50 seconds to desktop with avast installed, 42 seconds with Windows Defender.
Are the developers working on this bug and will it be eventually be fixed.
Currently I workaround the problem by restoring a configuration/settings backup made when problem not showing…this enables me to access scan buttons as after restoring backup the buttons are properly configured. Fix is temporary and problem will re occur.
Please fix this bug. No a reinstallation does not fix this problem and am aware not all users have this issue.
Thanks Asyn…I already have a 'custom scan which disappears whenever the Scan Button Unconfigured Issue happens-if I access Custom Scan any created Custom Scan does not exist anymore. If I do a restore of settings/configuration that was made when unconfigured scan buttons were all functional then custom scan is restored too; as it was part of the created backup the restore is made from.
Can you be more specific regards creating a custom scan as a workaround. Is it scheduled for example to run at a certain time? Am wondering are you doing something I am not doing to preserve the custom scan even when issue happens. Gary
Seems that devs forgot to include this change in the offline installers.
After performing a clean offline install of v18.4.2338, the main window takes a very long time to load at first launch.
…and when it has finnished loading, it presents you with the old GUI, without the new dropdown menu in the top bar.
The new GUI (with the dropdown menu), doesn’t appear until an internet connection has been established!
I used the Full Offline Installer for Avast Free and we get the Hamburger menu to get to Settings & Licenses on it. It also shows the correct version and build … 18.4.2338 (build 18.4.3895.0)