Just updated via the GUI and got the Windows 10 blue screen with the error: KERNEL_SECURITY_CHECK_FAILURE. Was not able to get to the desktop. The only way to finally boot the computer properly was to boot into safe mode and delete Avast Free altogether.
Here’s are the details:
Operation System: Windows 10 Pro fully updated (16GB memory - 64bit)
Avast version: Avast Free running only the shields, software updater, network scanner, and virtualization.
After updating through the GUI tried rebooting and got blue-screened.
Booted into safe mode and changed avast to ONLY use shields, software updater, and network scanner.
Still blue screened so back to safe mode and total uninstall of Avast free.
Booted normally so tried a custom install with ONLY shields, software updater, and network scanner.
Still blue screened after reboot.
Checked all of the mini-dumps and memory dumps with “WhoCrashed.exe” and in all cases the error was:
This was probably caused by the following module: aswvmm.sys (aswVmm+0x78C7)
Bugcheck code: 0x139 (0x4, 0xFFFFD001DE8F4BA0, 0xFFFFD001DE8F4AF8, 0x0)
Right now I’m just running Windows Defender until I can hopefully get this figured out.
Thanks a lot for submitting the problem to the support, Gandalf1369, I have the very same problem with Avast Internet Security.
And thanks for the advice, Asyn. I’m going to submit it too.
there is bug in aswVmm.sys. Only some AMD cpus seems to be affected. Will be fixed by micro update ASAP. As workaround , please uncheck “Enable HW assisted virtualization” in troubleshooting settings. Sorry for your troubles.
Thanks for the update. Your instructions to “uncheck “Enable HW assisted virtualization” in troubleshooting settings” is not going to be doable (at least for me) since I cannot even get to the desktop with Avast installed to get to the troubleshooting screen!!
Once the micro update has been made available to all users, please place a note to that effect in this message thread so I know that I can try installing avast again.
1)Boot into safe mode
2)Launch regedit.exe
3)Set REG_DWORD value “Dont” to value “1” in “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\aswVmm\Parameters” key
I don’t have the “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\aswVmm\Parameters” key in my registry. Probably because I had to uninstall avast (as mentioned in my original post) in order to even get to my Windows 10 desktop. I realize I could install avast again, boot into safe mode, and then try to follow your instructions, and hope it works - but frankly I rather not go thru the hassle.
If you have any other ideas I would be willing to try them. If not I’ll continue to use Windows Defender until avast is updated to fix the AMD bug.
Booted into safe mode to find that The Reg dword “don’t” has changed to “0” and when I checked avast “Enable HW assisted virtualization” in troubleshooting the tick was back.
I have now uninstalled Avast and now await a fix which will come very soon I hope.