VERSION: 2016.11.2.2261

If you mean the offer right after the update, yes.

Thank you for this new update! I’d like to ask if you will provide compatibility for Opera browser for “Passwords” in the near future please?

Strange, it was turned off here:

So far nice and smooth.And i am not leaving the beta stream,Of course it’ll access to beta server, to receive new beta when released plus stable releases :slight_smile:

The new version of Avast Internet Security - 11.2.2260 installed.

The installation file Avast Internet Security is reported as version 11.2.2729, why ?

Avast, please separate the update selections between program update and VPS update.

I opted to be notified when there is a PROGRAM UPDATE available.
Apparently my decision applies to ALL UPDATES.

I thought that this was a windows task (in win10) to disable windows defender when a 3rd party AV is installed ???

Already covered in Reply #21 - reproduced below.

Update options (settings) are there for both VPS and Program on my XP system.

My VPS updates remained on Auto and the Program update was changed to ‘Ask when update is downloaded.’ Previously I had it set to 'Ask when an update is downloaded, I soon set it back. This change happened after a custom install of 11.2.2260 over 11.1.2253.

I did a manual update from the UI on my win7 system and the settings remained as they were pre-update.

Confirmed, same here.

I really aplogize for this. It’s a bug and we will release a fix soon. SafeZone browser shouldn’t be installed during update if you have disabled it in past.

Sorry for the trouble.

I got problem

process AvastAvc.exe loading my processor on 45-49%
My PC win8_64, DDR2-6gb

AIS 2016.11.2.2260 in previuos vers the same - 50%

How to resolve this problem?

It’s fixed. I apparently had both VPS and Program updates set to Manual.
Don’t remember ever touching the VPS portion but it’s all good again. :slight_smile:

I brushed my PC from Avast (I deleted all folders) and set it again.
The broblem did not resovled
sorry for my ugly english

Clean Install of Avast:

I allready made this.

For me opening the stats screen causes avastui process to start eating ridiculous amount of memory and cpu (1,5gb and 20%,and my computer is a good one so 20% cpu is alot). Longer i keep the screen open the more it eats them until it simply just freezes. I can still close the stats screen without a problem but the graphs or anything else wont work. When i close the screen avastui process’ memory and cpu consumption goes back to normal. I have reported the problem to avast. Just wanted to say this since couldnt find anyone mentioning it.

Whilst I didn’t actually check for this, I can confirm this High CPU and Memory use.

With the Stats RealTime data open:

  1. the CPU peaked at 56% and settled to about 50% for as long as I kept it open.
  2. There appears to be a memory leak as it just keeps on increasing, currently 1.3GB and still going; 1.5GB.

I have now closed the Stats window:
3. the CPU returns to 00% and memory is returned to a modest 34MB whilst the UI is still open.
4. Closing the avastUI screen and CPU remains at 00% and memory of around 9MB.

Same here, I can confirmed this.Avast! should fixed this as soon as possible.

  1. Start your own topic and describe your problem.
  2. Attach your basic diagnostic logs. (MBAM, FRST and aswMBR)Instructions: