I attempted to install v6 Pro on WinXP SP3 [edit: after using 4.8 for years]. The install went OK, and Avast appeared to work afterward. But after rebooting, the Avast service and many others refused to start, and even the taskbar wouldn’t appear. It turns out that something about Avast prevented the RPC service from starting, which then caused most or all or the other problems.
I tried the troubleshooting/load Avast after other services option, but it made no difference.
After several reboots, including install/uninstall cycles, I uninstalled V6 and installed V5 [Edited to add: 5.0.545], which works OK. I ran a full scan (and a boot-time scan, too) with a current VPS, but Avast found no viruses.
I think i have the same problem as you. After the update the computer would load normally up till it loaded itself then none of my other taskbar items would load then the whole computer would freeze up. Unistalled and computer returned to normal.
WinXP SP3 and zonealarm
Perhaps we can get more feedback on this issue or has yours been resolved? I too have the same issue (winXP, sp3). I was informed that this issue can be resolved by running a memory dump, saving and uploading the file via the Avast ftp server for review. I am awaiting the upload procedure. Please share if your issue has been resolved.
I have traced part of the problem to the “REAL TIME FILE SYSTEM SHIELD” :o
If you disable this (which we should not), you might regain access to your system !!! :-
In my case, using XP (fully updated) ADMIN level account, seems part of problem is with the “scan files for writing”.
Disable this on admin account and system access is restored.... Go figure....
If your on a limited account, no hope in _______… Tried everything, no luck…
I was forced to down grade back to version 5. (Lucky I had an old copy ) ;D
My best suggestion… HOLD OFF upgrade until they resolve this.
I have about 10 friends all running the same thing, and it would be a pain to have to walk them thru how to fix this…
No, I have not seen anything that resolves this problem. I am sticking with 5.0.545 until I hear the Avast team acknowledge the problem and fix it.
To Daris: I upgraded from v4.8 by downloading and running the 6.0 installer. When that didn’t work, I uninstalled 6.0 using its deinstaller, then re-ran the installer. I tried uninstall/reinstall several times, and tried various options (e.g., load Avast after other services) and nothing helped.
BTW, why can’t we get older versions of Avast directly from this website? While the files are signed with MS digital signatures, I’d prefer to supplement that level of security by downloading directly from Avast.
Hey sorry for the late reply i ran out of internet bandwidth. I have reinstalled v5 and will try a clean install of v6 in the weekend. i will let you know how i get on
Cool…Make sure to download the Avast clean up utillity tool, also after you run the tool …do a search for old versions of Avast anyways …and delete the old version folders…Also do a search for old versions in your registry…
I had a friend who had version 5 installed and it wouldn’t work properly. …couldn’t get the shields to run…I did a search for Avast and found he had 4.8 folders still there…So then I deleted them and searched his registry and now he’s fine…Luck
Well i did a complete clean install and still get the same problem. removed every avast/alwil file/folder and every avast/alwil reg entry. Looks like i will be staying with v5.
The release notes for that version do not reference this bug. I run a business and cannot just install stuff to see if it works. I bought Avast to have a reliable, unobtrusive virus scanner, not to put my data and time at risk by testing betas.
and "Yes, I had AVG free before and it didn't uninstall properly" is not exactly avast! issue...
And where does that quote appear in http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=74157.0 ? Hint: it doesn't. Nor did the person reporting that bug indicate that AVG failed to uninstall properly. That's your inference, as is the idea that that purported problem caused the user's symptoms.
Then why did you imply that it may have fixed it? Also, I originally reported the same or a very similar problem not 3 hours ago, but 3 weeks ago.
P.S. If you run a business then don't install prerelease stuff on production boxes, as easy as that.
Right. Which I why I'm still using 5.0.545. And would be using 4.8 if support had not ended for it. The fact is, I paid for this product and expect to get a quality product, not to get something that locks up my system.
Now, do you have any actual help to offer on this bug?