I’m using Avast! for 4 months and I have a real problem now :
when i want to launch avast! by right click on the tray icon and shortcuts, it show me some errors message :
(in french, because i’m french)"Un espace de stockage n’a pu être crée pour la tache “Splash” "
In english : “Stocking space can’t be created for “Splash” task”
What is the problem???
ANd when I want to launch a quick scan by right click on a file, the same problem comes…
Can you help me please bacause, in that situation, my computer is defence less and virus must be happy now!
Please help me!
If you know how, you have to edit your avast4.ini file. Default location (if you haven’t changed it during the installation of avast!) of that file is:
OK, this problem, regardless of version of your OS (I made an overlook, so don’t pay attention to my question regarding the version of your OS)… do as I suggested, but first tell me what’s the version of your avast!
Professional or Home Edition ? There is a difference since database value for avast! Professional is better to be ODBC… for Home Edition, it’s better to change it to XML if you experience such a problems like you mentioned…
I didn’t ask you what’s the version of your OS FIVE_one… XP means you are talking about your Operating System Windows.\
avast! doesn’t have XP in it’s name. Avast! (in this case) can be just Professional or Home Edition… which one is yours ? The version of avast you are using, I need to know what’s the version of avast! antivirus program installed on your computer…
Right click avast! blue ball icon in your system tray, and choose ABOUT avast!.. at the top of the window that pops-out, you’ll see what’s the version of your avast!..