Very need help

excume all please i need your help, i’m using vb6 for GetCompanyName but i want to convert to c++ 6 how do i can convert this code to c++ 6?

Public Function NullPad(strData As String) As String

If strData = “” Then Exit Function
Dim lenData As Long

For i = 1 To Len(strData)
tempStr = tempStr & Chr(0) & Mid(strData, i, 1)

NullPad = Chr(1) & tempStr

End Function
Public Function ReplaceIt(Original As Variant, Item As String, Replace As String) As String

If InStr(Original, Item) = False Then
ReplaceIt = Original
Exit Function
End If

nStage$ = Original
Do Until InStr(nStage$, Item) = 0
lSide$ = Left$(nStage$, InStr(nStage$, Item) - 1)
rSide$ = Right$(nStage$, (Len(nStage$) - Len(lSide$) - Len(Item)))
nStage$ = lSide$ & Replace & rSide$
ReplaceIt = nStage$

End Function

Public Function GetCompanyName(strFile As String)

Dim tempFile As String
Dim pos As Long
Dim StartPos As Long, EndPos As Long

fileText$ = “CompanyName”
nextText$ = “FileDescription”

Open strFile For Binary As #1
tempFile = Space(LOF(1))
Get #1, , tempFile
Close #1

pos = InStr(tempFile, NullPad(“StringFileInfo”))

If pos = 0 Then
pos = InStr(tempFile, “StringFileInfo”)
If pos = 0 Then pos = 1
pnStart = InStr(pos, tempFile, fileText$)
fileLength% = 12
pnStart = InStr(pos, tempFile, NullPad(fileText$))
nextText$ = NullPad(nextText$)
fileLength% = 26
End If

If pnStart > 0 Then
StartPos = pnStart + fileLength%
EndPos = InStr(StartPos, tempFile, String(3, Chr(0)))

If InStr(Mid(tempFile, StartPos, EndPos - StartPos), nextText$) <> 0 Then
    For i = 1 To 255
        If CInt(Asc(Mid(tempFile, StartPos + i, 1))) <= 31 Then
            EndPos = StartPos + (i - 1)
            Exit For
        End If
    Next i
    counter = counter + 1
End If

FileInfo = Mid(tempFile, StartPos, EndPos - StartPos)
GetCompanyName = ReplaceIt(FileInfo, Chr(0), "")

End If

End Function

A basic search on your question convert vb6 to c++ returns a lot of hits and it seems it isn’t easy:

This one seems to do it,

Hi bilawalrifal,

This is not a question for which we have the specific expertise. For instance here:
Go to a developer’s forum or come here with a more specific question that is av related or has to do with evaluation of suspicious code.
A solution might be found here:
