Well I took a my risk to download SP2 and reformat my PC HD clean, install XP Pro than add SP2.
It very hard for everybody to trust MS with new SP2 and provide a proper security for what we need, I find it very disappointing about MS Windows firewall and it doesn’t block outbound traffic.
I am very please with MS security center which has been added in the SP2, and we can choose what firewall and anti-virus software we want and it supported with the SP2.
I am so glad Avast has support the SP2 platform for their anti-virus software product, and for the firewall ZA Pro as well.
I am sure everybody will agree with me and they will choose whatever product software they believe in for the better security of their PC, however it very important to keep your MS OS up to date with their windows automatic update SP.
I guess MS is trying very hard to come up with the idea to add the MS Security Center with the SP2, and it tell the people what the security is all about and what product to choose and trust.
MS cannot look after you all time with your own desktop computer, unless you help yourself by learning what is the Security means to us and for our computer.
For example.
MS Service Pack update and security patches
Firewall software and hardware firewall, to learn and understand what to permit to your PC and what is NOT to permit inbound and outbound traffic
Anti-virus software (real question is who do you trust on what product)
Anti-spyware software like Ad aware, spy-bot and spy-sweeper etc etc.
Pop up AD stopper of your choice, I am not 100% sure about the SP2 Pop-up stopper which has been added in the SP2 need more research.
For extra software protection for our Internet while using the firewall and the anti-virus software, for example Spyware Blaster and Spyware Guard etc etc of your choice.
Anti-Trojans software of your choice to scan Trojans from your HD.
Finally Email protection from Spam like Mail Washer or whatever choice you choose.
MS will try harder to improve the SP Security Center for our MS OS, keep this in mind MS is not always 100% safe unless you help yourself to protect your own computer against unwanted outside Internet on-line world.
Not always Negeltu…OS can be un-safe keep this mind not very many people do understand what OS is about, I have seen to many people young and old buy a new computers and still don’t understand OS and secuirty.
And a lot people are still on the old OS 95, 98se NT and 2000 and not many can afford to buy a new computers and a new OS.
They can still get hit with virus, trojans and hackers if they don’t look after their computer and keep the OS up to date.
I have a real question for you Negeltu. Do you think everybody on this planet is already on the latest OS XP with SP2, Secuirty, Firewall and Anti-virus.
If it was cheaper i would buy it, also if i could buy the one cd with xp on and put it on both my pc’s this would also be acceptable, but its 1 user per licence, most companies are like that, they only way i accept it is if its cheap (like avast).
Think about it, there are so many people who “crack” software these days, its becuase they can’t offord to buy it, so if prices were lowerd or if it was priced on your standard, ie lower price for poorer people (different rule for everybody) more people would buy the software and they would get more profite.
Actually Staind,
It does have some social merrit. That would be one way to allow those with less money to obtain access to programs that are usually only available to folks with money. It all depends on how you look at it. ;D
It’s not really common practice with products yet (but there are some of those too), but quite a few kinds of services are to a greater or lesser extent already priced on an ability to pay basis. This is particularly true of services that are directly or indirectly provided or supported by the government.
Here in Ontario our new government has put a clamp on our decades-old “socialized medicine” system by starting to again charge premiums for virtually all-inclusive health coverage (other than prescriptions, eyeglasses, and non-emergency dental care). But the premium is based on taxable income, and in my case will be zilch since my only income is disablility benefits. I forget how it’s calculated, but I think there’s no health-care premium if family income is under something like $20 or $25K a year.