Shadow Brokers, Who Leaked WannaCry SMB Exploit, Are Back With More 0-Days
The infamous hacking collective Shadow Brokers – the one who leaked the Windows SMB exploit in public that led to last weekend’s WannaCrypt menace – are back, this time, to cause more damage.
In typically broken English, the Shadow Brokers published a fresh statement (with full of frustration) a few hours ago, promising to release more zero-day bugs and exploits for various desktop and mobile platforms starting from June 2017.
We have a special topic for posting security news so we find them at one place 
Personally I don’t see this as any worse than the original hit.
Why the hell would they give any advance notice, it isn’t as if they are releasing some software everyone is waiting for.
The act that their first attempt got owned, may well have given good information to help prevent a recurrence from being so effective.
When will people start to take care of their systems with image backups stored on an external storage source.
Why would they do this in public? Don’t disclose these exploits in the open because malware writers will just use these exploits to their advantage as they did with wannacry ransomware.
Hmmm i would be interested in these
Stolen network information from Russian, Chinese, Iranian, and North Korean nuclear missile programs.
Then i send up the worlds largest new year's eve rocket at 2018 ;D conventional bang of course