Very very strange folders in Windows 10

Hi Avast!

Happy with all your products.

Now, I have a very strange problem. Many folders with strange file names appear in my C:\ drive —I tried to open some of them with no result. You will see screen captures I am sending attached. One of them shows an A:\ net connection which I do not have at all.

Avast antivirus scanned them. The results? “some files could not have been analised”. However, a deep scan shows that the laptop is not compromised.

I can delete them. However, a new set of these misterous similar files are showing up again. None of these files have similar names to my files. Not even close.

Hoping to hear from you soon.

All the Best

Is it a old machine?

Does it have floppy drive? >>

You’ve installed Cybereason’s RansomFree, haven’t you? These folders belong to their program and they are honeypots to catch Ransomware. They are perfectly normal and should be ignored. Do NOT delete them! If you uninstall their program, these folders will be gone as well.

I’m pretty sure they explain this during installation, but for some reason, people skip this part…

Yes, they do mention this. I’ve attached a screen that appears right after installation.

Or just forget about it… :wink:

I’ve decided to write an article about it on my blog lol. I’ve seen so many posts about this that it needs explanation :stuck_out_tongue:


Good job pal, it’s bookmarked. 8)

Thank you very much RejZoR! (Sorry my delay to respond to your accurate help)

I visited your blog and I am going to bookmark many pages there.

All the Best!