I did everything right, followed the instructions and it got to the loading page with the 1-100% and then it said failed and then shut down. :o :cry: :-X >:( :frowning: :-[

And now there’s no partitions and it won’t let me make one.

What do I do?

did you try just to boot from the CD again and then to enter the screen where you see your HDD and partitions? what do you see?

??? ??? ???
What are you talking about, Husk? What format? What software made your partititions disappeared?

i think he means that he tried to format his computer like talked about under this topic…:

I’m waiting for it to reload,

But firstly it comes up with something about devices or so, Saying press f1 to continue, I’ll be back

It says

Unknown Disk

Unknown Disk

Unknown Disk

Unknown Disk

of course it asks for devices because it doesn’t know where to boot from… there is nothing on your HDD.

you have to start from your Windows-CD not try to start from the HDD - there is nothing on it!

It has the options

-To set up Windows XP on the selected item, press ENTER

-To creat a partition in the unpartitioned space, press C

  • To delete the selected partition, press D

~~Theres also something else while it’s loading, press F6 to install a third party software or something, Comes up with two options (Can’t remember them)

How do i do that?
You already did it if you already see the screen you posted below ;)

at first you have to create a partition - if you already created a partition you choose it and press enter to start installing windows!

It doesn’t seem to allow me to do that…

how big is the partition you made?

is it too small?

around 238000 MB, which is the amount I had before

i think you mean KB - that would be about 230 MB and thats too small!

i would delete the partition and to make sure it works use the whole available space for your new partition…

try to install it there - any changes?

There’s no partition at all

at the bottom it has

ENTER = Install D = Delete F3 = Quit

when there is no partition you should create one :slight_smile:

there you described a screen where creating a partition was possible:

It has the options

-To set up Windows XP on the selected item, press ENTER

-To creat a partition in the unpartitioned space, press C

  • To delete the selected partition, press D

~~Theres also something else while it’s loading, press F6 to install a third party software or something, Comes up with two options (Can’t remember them)

It says that, But doesn’t allow me to as there’s no partition space, it says No disk or whatever it does say. Creating one isn’t possible

try again to delete the partitions you already created first
after that create a new partition with the whole available space.

then click enter on this partition and format it with NTFS (you should be asked)

does it work now?!

No Good

A message says

Setup is unable to perform the requested operation on the selected partition. This partition contains tempoary Setup files that are required to complete the installation

-To continue, press ENTER

I press ENTER then…

A problem had been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.

The problem seems to be caused by the following file: setupdd. sys


If this is the first time you’ve seen this Stop error screen, restart your computer. If this screen apears again, follow these steps:

Check to make sure any new hardware or software is properly installed. If this is a new installation, ask your hardware or software manufacturer for any windows updates you might need.

If problems continue, disable or remove any newly installed hardware or software. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing. If you need to use safe mode to remove or disable components, restart your computer, press F8 to select advanced Startup Options, and then select safe mode.

Technical information:

*** STOP: 0x00000050 (0xE57AOD20, 0x00000000, OxF759DC13, 0x00000002)

*** setupdd. sys - ADdress F759DC13 base at F7571000, DateStamp 41107c8f