Viewing current live scan data

Avast used to have, like virtually every other AV that exists, an option to allow you to see what exactly it was currently live scanning. Even though the file names might fly by as a blur, you could still see what file(s) Avast was scanning at any given time. It appears though that over the past several versions this functionality was removed, or very cleverly hidden as to befuddle an 18 year IT veteran.

I see my Avast icon doing ‘stuff’ all the time, but cannot find what exactly it’s doing and not knowing or understanding its behavior is concerning because I can’t tell if it’s scanning my VMWare VM files (which it shouldn’t be doing, but I’ve come to distrust exclusion lists over the years), or temp internet files, etc…

Is this function truly gone, or just very very hidden?


It has been reworked and is already back in the latest beta. Cheers.

The option is useless if you can’t read fast enough ;D

If you are a 18 old veteran as you say, you sure (should) have heard about log files. :wink:

Avast’s log files aren’t as useful in that area as you might assume. They track things like UI usage, updates, service changes, etc…

Also, digging in to a log file each time I want to ‘spot check’ what’s going on is silly. It’s a function that was there, it worked fine, and now it’s not annoyingly enough. But if it’s coming back, that’s all I was really looking for.

Is this what you’re looking for ?