viewing scan information

hi there,

i have just done a thorough scan , which you scan see from the image but i am unable to view status information, last scan results and view scan reports. as you can see they are greyed out, why is this , many thanks adam

Hi Adam,

You don’t say what version of avast you are using, but I suspect from the question it is the Home (free) version.

The view last scan results and view scan report are options that are not available in the Home (free) version, they are available only in the Pro version, that is why they are greyed out. I’m not sure about the view Status Information.

In the home version you have the scan results displayed at the end of the scan.

You’re right…
Like you said, in Home version the user can just see the las scanning results.

thankyou both, for your help with this query :slight_smile:

many thanks adam