First, Excuse my english because i’m french langage
I use windows 7.
Since a few days, i have always the message 'Virtual IP N/D" when i start Avast VPN Secureline.
This mistake is with all servers
I have desintall and réinstall VPN and also Avast security but i have also the same problem.
Thanks everybody,
Roland from Belgium
April 16, 2020, 8:24am
Hi Roland, known issue, the devs are working on a fix.
As workaround, you can set the firewall to “auto-decide” for now.
Je n’arrive plus à me connecter sur le VPN avast depuis quelques temps.
Comment faire pour que ça refonctionne ? J’ai Windows 10.
May 5, 2020, 4:08am
I’ve been having the same issues for a couple of days. I do not use the VPN regularly because it slows my internet too much.
For the last week, every time I tried connecting my VPN my Virtual IP is N/D.
Of course it makes my internet bug and it can’t connect to any sites.
I’ve check around the forum on how to fix this and it seems to be a recurring problem since 2019.
Can you tell me how to fix this or if they finally found a way to correct this problem.
Here are my products if needed (All paid versions):
Avast Premium Security
Avast Cleanup
VPN Avast SecureLine
Avast AntiTrack.
I hope it can be fixed and I hope it will be fixed.
I pay lots of money for these and it’s not for it to not work when needed. I think you understand the frustration.
Thank you for your help.
June 16, 2020, 5:50am
Hi, (afaik) this has been fixed a while ago.
Which versions of APS and ASL are installed…?
Hi, thanks for the fast response:
APS : 20.4.2410 (version 20.4.5312.0)
As for ASL, I’ve unninstaled it because I had problems connecting unto internet since I came back from work.
It seems that in the last update of APS, all my autorised application were unnautorised so I rebooted all my systems.
I’m trying to reinstall everything slowly, but at least now my internet works normally.
Normally I stay updated every day for all my avast program, so I would have had the last version.
Hi Roland, known issue, the devs are working on a fix.
As workaround, you can set the firewall to “auto-decide” for now.
I have the same problem. Could you please tell me how to set the firewall to “auto-decide” ?