I am new to Avast! 4 HomeEdition. Can someone tell me what one does when he gets a notice\alarm of a virus? Alarm syas Avat found Win32:Netsky-k worm in
C:\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Contents 1E5\5CK31HK
Do I delete that file? Or what? Thanks much. …wdc
Yup,use Delete button
Thank you for such a fast response. I guess i should delete it from the DeleteBin too, right?
Yeah… When you have a doubt, you can first put the file into the Chest. After receiving help, you can delete the file or repair it ;D
Is there a button to send the file to Chest?
Move to Chest is the one
You’ll probably have these buttons: Clean/Rename or Move/Move to Chest/Delete
OK, got it; thank you all.