virus alert UPS Delivery Problem NR 29948.

hello all
this message got through hotmail junk filter , windows wouldn’t open it could it be a false positive ???


absolutely not a false positive… it’s Bredolab malware…

Thanks maxx_original for clearing that up, but when I scanned the zip file with MWAB nothing was detected is that normal ???
When I clicked right to try to scan with avast free edition the option to scan was not available , any ideas . Keep up the good work


you can save the attachment and send it to - you’ll see that many AV vendors detect it… there’s no context menu allowing you to scan the attachment (ad-hoc) from your e-mail client as far as i know… each e-mail is scanned while receiving (and sending) automatically (for most commonly used e-mail clients)…

As I have had this numerous times, and have tried to test the detections, I can say that hotmail usually catches this and blocks it…so much so that they have changed to DHL…I got one of these today…went straight to junk…Also got another, more worrying one…from ‘HSBC’…

Normally, hotmail will not allow you to download it, as it is known to be infected…so you can’t check at virustotal…

It is amazing that these clown thing we are dumb enough to fall for.

I get the occasional UPS/DHL, ones, etc. I got one this morning and it is almost laughable.

“There is a problem with delivery of your parcel. Incorrect delivery address, etc.”

Then how the he** would they know your email address as this has nothing to do with the delivery data requirements. Then they give you an attachment to click, etc. when they could simply have given a contact telephone number in the body of the email (if there was a remote possibility of it being genuine).

I really don’t see how they manage to trick people with this cr*p.

I agree somewhat, however I know of people that will definitely be fooled by this, and essentially I think it boils down to not knowing about this…(and possibly the curious nature of us…)

In the warning thread, I have posted about another, which I found to be more disturbing, since it looks so genuine…