Virus alerts NOT working!

Hi everyone!

According to past experience, there is no surprise what another function not working… Today it is “Virus alerts”!

I set SMTP:

Server address:
Port: 465
From address:
SMTP server requires authentication: Checked
Password: our_password

Then I add other address in “Virus Alerts”.

And here comes interesting part. I open client, check if settings are set from console, and press “test” button. AVAST HANG, nothing can do with it, cant kill process, waiting dont make change and only thing to do is restart PC. Of course e-mail not sent…

Dear AVAST, what is wrong with you? Software Updater IS in AEPSP, you say what it should not be there, but it IS and NOT working! Console, can only find hosts who is in domain. You can start virus scan from console, but can not stop it from console… And now I believe what you will say what Virus alert should not work too…

Is it really so hard to be honest and make some post or better wrote in you web site what will and what not working in business Avast… At home i got Avast for home users and it is very nice product, but EPSP… have no words… Your slogan is “Avast! be free”, but should be “If you are business user, be free from logic and pay for non-working things.”

It sounds like SSL issue.

Please try using port 25.

Thanks for reply.
Port change fix hanging, it is not hanging no more, but still don`t sent message…

I’m afraid port 25 will not work for
