Result: 0/40 (0%)
Result: 1/41 (2.44%)
this should problary help avast a bit. with the keyloggers but only a day if they even try becouse every day its comming new keyloggers.
i know this is keyloggers becouse i have already been hacked by them 
Scanning the zip.file with Norman gives 5 trojans
and this is the the reply from Avira
File ID Filename Size (Byte) Result
25790941 Scripts Packs.zip 4 MB OK
A listing of files contained inside archives alongside their results can be found below:File ID Filename Size (Byte) Result
25790942 Free (paid) scripts.exe 173.96 KB MALWARE
25790943 Mino Tower.elft 1.4 KB CLEAN
25790944 mino yalahar.elfc 1.37 KB CLEAN
25790945 Minotaurs Kazordoon.wpt 1.25 KB CLEAN
25790946 Nightstarkers pall.elft 1.39 KB CLEAN
25790947 rots Edron.elfc 220 Byte CLEAN
25790948 roty.elft 1.39 KB CLEAN
25790949 gss yall 2.elfc 1.77 KB CLEAN
25790950 gss yall.elfc 6.42 KB CLEAN
25790951 gss yall.elft 1.39 KB CLEAN
25790952 ice with .elfc 700 Byte CLEAN
25790953 ice with and …elfc 520 Byte CLEAN
25790954 ice with.elft 1.4 KB CLEAN
25790955 lb nighty -2.elft 1.41 KB CLEAN
25790956 Paid Scripts.exe 1.56 MB MALWARE
25791186 serwer.exe 172 KB MALWARE
panda cloud find 15 Trojans.
in all exe files.