Does any one have an answe for the parameters to use when checking compressed files for viruses inside of WinRAR???
I’ve got all the other figured out but this one still has me stumped ???
errr…not sure what you mean? ???
but if you want to configure your standard shield provider to scan archives… then you probably need to add these extensions …
scan files on open
scan created/modified files
and lastly follow these…edit deftasks.xml in the avast folder…add the line
after the line
hope this helps
Thanks shgoh;
That was a lot of goodies you just passed on however, I’m after the information that’s entered inside of the program itself. WinRAR has the ability to check the compressed file for viruses as do all other programs of that nature.
Usually you have to supply the path and program name of the virus checking program and any parameters or arguments needed.
It is the parameters that are giving me a problem in WinRar.
I hope that makes it a little clearer.
sorry…got what you meant…
use “%f”
that will do…
Again Thanks that did the trick but, without the quotes.
Here is the complete list that i’ve been able to compile so far for various
Avast! 4 Command Line Rules For various Programs
Program Info if installed indefault Folder:
C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashQuick.exe
PocoZip,PowerArchiver2003 and StarDownloader:
No Parameters
WinRAR: %f
WinArc: “%f”
WinZip: %d
I hope this will help some other users. :
hi bob…winrar works with the quotes too…both with or without will work…
Thanks shgoh
I stand corrected.
Ok, let’s try another one – maybe slightly O/T, but hopefully still close enough. I used to use WinZip on my old 98SE, but now I’ve got a new computer with XP Home (all critical updates).
I’m using the built-in “compressed folders” thing, and I can’t find any reference to a specific exe (or whatever) that runs that, let alone any provision for parameters. I’m guessing it somehow gets handled by RunDLL.
Any way to set “whatever” up so that works with avast! the same as 3rd-party archiving utilities?
Thanks and best,
Dear MikeBCda
Maybe this will help:
Avast! 4 Command Line Rules For various Programs
Program Info if installed indefault Folder:
C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashQuick.exe
PocoZip,PowerArchiver2003 and StarDownloader:
No Parameters
WinRAR: %f
WinArc: “%f”
WinZip: %d
Hi Bob, and thanks - I’d already seen you post this about 3 or 4 replies back, but it doesn’t cover the XP compressed-folders operation.
I did take a look in file-types-associations, and I was right, this is handled thru RunDLL with some odd-looking parameters as default. And I don’t want to mess with those if I don’t know what I’m doing.
Oh, well, Exporer-shell scanning (with Ashquick) will do the trick manually, plus (hopefully) the Standard Shield is keeping an eye on things if I open the Zip or whatever.
Oh, well, Explorer-shell scanning (with Ashquick) will do the trick manually, plus (hopefully) the Standard Shield is keeping an eye on things if I open the Zip or whatever.
definitely mike… ;D ;D…i guess the option in winrar or winzip to be able to add in your virus scan option is a surplus…for more paranoid people?..
Hi there, I have just downloaded Avast and so far it seems very good. I previously had AVG Anti Virus and then recently Kaspersky Anti Virus…but both were very slow and cumbersome to use (both were paid versions)
What I was wanting to know is the Parameters within WinRaR the same for the most recent Avast 5 as it was in this topic which the users appear to be using Avast 4
What I mean is do I use:-
and C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5\ashQuick.exe for to scan WinRaR files I have downloaded from the internet?
With Avg and Kaspersky when you scanned the file within WinRaR a Dos or Command Window appeared and then gave the results of the scan but this doesn’t happen when I use Avast and the Parameters I given above…so I don’t know if Avast is scanning the file or not…I hope you understand what I mean.
Your help would be much appreciated…thanks
May be Sir DavidR can tell us about the parameter for orbit downloader. I need it.
I can’t recall if it was %file after the ashQuick.exe command or not. I have given up on Orbit from the last couple of updates, it wouldn’t let me right click on a link and select the file to be downloaded directly.
So I have switched to the Firefox DownloadThemAll add-on as that is my default browser, I generally don’t download through IE8.
Thanks DavidR for replying but it doesn’t really solve my problem. Is it %f or is “%f” ir is it %file…al very confusing. Is there anyone I can write about this problem? I am I directing WinRar in the right direction for the
ashQuick.exe scanner to scan a file? or is it some other exe file?
Thanks again for your help
The problem is there isn’t an easy way to test it as you only get a notification that something has been scanned if there is an actual detection, if clean nothing is displayed. avast’s ashQuick.exe generally doesn’t need any switch, but some download managers insist on it.
You could download some of the eicar test files (not using that way if you get an alert you know you have the right switch,
Have you looked at its help file of the Orbit web site ?
DavidR Thanks for that. I downloaded the Test Files and Avast kicked in and (a very nice speaking lady) told me there was a Threat detected…so it worked. I also scanned the Zip file within WinRar and again it warned me of the Threat detected. The Parameters for WinRar must be set right. Thanks
Maybe Avast could look at this and have something displayed when you scan a file or folder to say that it has completed it’s task and that everything is in order…just a suggestion Avast
DavidR it wasn’t me who was asking you about Orbit (although I do use it from time to time to download files)
Thanks again for all your help
You’re welcome.
Ordinarily if you use the context menu scan (right click) on a file or folder it does display a notification, see image.
It just doesn’t happen in the call to ashQuick.exe from a download manager.
Thanks this helped me. This is perfect for those password protected zips.