This is my first time on this board, which I suppose is a testament to how great Avast! has been for me the past few years and how strong some other spyware and malware programs have gotten in fighting these various computing ills.
Short Summary: Out of the blue, I come home from work and find my PC is obviously afflicted with some problem. The monitor has these pinstripes running across the screen and my mouse pointer has inexplicably changed from the default pointer to a leaf pointer, and the icon for the Recycling Bin has also been changed. When the PC boots up it alerts me there is a problem, and the text on the screen is not entirely legible, but I can make out the options. It will only boot up on Safe Mode.
I’m running Windows XP SP2 (I can not DL SP3 properly) and my first act was to run a scan with avast Home 4.8 edition. The first alert I got during the thorough scan was as follows:
FILE: C:\Documents and Settings\Home\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache\6.0\23\1d19b497-3ba20796
NAME: Java:ClassLoader [Trj]
TYPE: Trojan Horse
I tried to move the item to the chest as recommended, however when I attempted this, I got the following message:
The file could not be repaired so I continued the scan to find another similar item:
C:\Documents and Settings\Home\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache\javapi\v1.0\jar\
Java:ClassLoader [Trj]
Trojan Horse
I also had alerts for the following files:
FILE: C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\prtprocs\w32x86\4CC.tmp
NAME: Win32:Alureon-DR [Rtk]
TYPE: Rookit
NAME: Win32:Alureon-EI [Rtk
TYPE: Rookit
The results from for the previous two files are as follows:
I regularly scan with Spybot, Adaware, and Malwarebytes. I am at a complete loss as to what to do from here. The virus chest is not running, and my understanding is that if the RPC Communication Failed, something is wrong. Is there anybody that can help fix this or direct me in a direction that would help solve this? I am attaching a HJT log if that is of any help.
If there is more information that is needed or if this post if not formatted correctly please let me know. Thank you.