In Virus Chest please explain what “Last Modification Time” and “Last Changed” mean???
Well those two headings don’t appear together one is in the main chest display and the other in the properties of an individual item within the chest.
The Last modified time and Last Changed are one and the same but by a different name. The Last modified time/Last Changed relates the the files properties, when that file in its original location was last modified
Thanks for answering my Q. Sorry about the double post, it was a mistake, please don’t beat me up about it.
Your answer “when that file in its original location was last modified” is not quite clear to me. Is this the date it was installed in my computer from its source? Or the date it did or tried to activate it? Or the date the originator changed it? What does “modified” mean and what date does it correspond with?
The reason for my question is that I know a Trojan was inserted on 5/18/2010. I ran Avast Scan and it found something but the dates don’t match.
Thanks for taking the time to help!
All files when created on your system (downloaded/installed, etc.) have properties, a) when it was created and b) when it was last modified.
The last modified date could be the same as the creation date or earlier as the creation date on your computer might be later than when the file was originally created (which would also be the modified date).
It would probably be better to say what the file name, malware name and location of the detection is that you are concerned with.
So the Date modified could be changed by a ‘virus’ infection, but not by a trojan as they don’t modify files or it may be totally unrelated. Unfortunately the actual file creation date isn’t displayed anywhere in the chest info; it is why I mentioned if the file were outside the chest in its original location and you check the file properties (my second image left part) it shows when it was created.