virus chest question

avast found 2 threats on my computer and moved it to the virus chest so i open the chest and right clicked and deleted both files does that just delete it form the virus chest or did it delete it form the computer?

They are history I believe - not even sure if recuva or simiilar could reclaim them now.

It’s probably bettter to leave them in the chest for a couple of weeks and occasionaly rescan - in case they were FPs.

this may sound stupid do you mean history as in what was in the computer or history as in its been deleted form my computer?

Sorry - I meant as far as I know they are permananetly deleted (irrecoverably) from your system.

That’s why it’s usually best to leave files in the chest for a while - that way if, after a few days, they rescan clean (ie they were false positives) you can restore them.
