virus database

sorry for my impatience but I just cant seem to find it and im wondering if there is any accompanying info on the the bugs a/v picks out of my system. ???

Galooma, I cannot follow your problem because I cannot remember what it is…
Can you post here again or write the ‘link’ for the specific forum where you have describe it?
Thanks. :wink:

What bugs (viruses?) exactly does the antivirus find on your system?

about 2 weeks ago i had an instance of a trojan being detected by A/V the trojan was called win32:istdnldr-b-upx[trj] and it was apparrently iether in or named istactivex.dll .when it was detected i posted here and was told it was isolated and removed by avast and no problem . then yesterday i noticed Zone alarm seemed to hang for a minute or so and then after several belated attempts to shut it down a/v picked up same or similar trojan. This time was called ‘win32:istdnldr-c-upx [trj]’ and was named ‘istdnldr.exe’ so my question i guess what is this thing and is there a database where i can perhaps look it up and familiarise myself with any problems or remedial actions? There doent seem to be any lasting effects of either instance so im not overly worried but appreciate any help or guidance you can offer. 8)

I got directed here
It gives a thorough scan of your system. I feel better because it said I had no infected files.

thanks clanger it looks like a handy resource but unfortunately avast are the only ones who have identified this particular trojan so if im gonna find any info it`ll probably be here . :wink: