Virus Definition Version Date

what is the Different of Virus Definition Version Date.

Because i found that sometime we update Virus Definition, we got 120220-2
some time we update Virus Definition , we got 120220-1 , or 120220-0.

this is for offline update reference or online update ?

normal is 2 release a day…more if needed and some days none

120220-2 so 2 mean it was release number 3 that day…as the first one have 0

so, if offline update and online update not have any reference to checking the status?

Off-line update can be downloaded here:

The other updates you get automatically through Avast! are on-line and the number as said by Pondus is just the date of the day they were released and the numbered of the update of that day. So if you get:

120327-2 it means it was released the year 12, month 03, day 27, and it was the second , sorry, it was the third update that day.

Thanks Pondus.

anyway , thank you so much :wink: