Okay, it is officially D-U-N … DONE!
I have finally installed avast 5.0. :o ;D
Since usually this is the place where people come to dump their avast problems and / or malign the Alwil / avast personnel, I thought I’d toss out some Kudos for a change.
So far my avast 5.0 experience is only probably still a little less than an hour old.
But, so far I have seen 1 seemingly HUGE Plus.
As I mentioned before, my computer’s Boot Up normally takes place in 7 minutes.
Well, after the avast 5.0 install … my computer Booted Up in 4 minutes!!!
:o Whoa! 4 minutes?! Is that possible?
Then the display of my AOL Welcome Screen also seemed to happen more quickly.
Now to my actual question:
Okay, is there a Setting for getting some indicator to display to let me know a Virus Database Update is in Progress? You know … like the Red & Green Arrows Icon that 4.8 had in the System Tray? Because like right now as I type this, I have no idea whether a Virus Database Update is in progress or whether one was even initiated upon me logging on to AOL. My Setting IS set for Automatic Virus Definitions Updates, but I have no clue whether one has already happened or is still going on.
BTW … am I supposed to enable the Setting that tells avast that I only connect via a Modem?
I seem to recall that at least at one time … it was recommended to NOT check either of those 2 Settings because it would cause problems.
Okay, I just finished checking in the About avast area.
It does indicate that the Virus Definitions Versions is: 100805-0
So, I guess my avast Virus Definitions ARE Up to Date, right?
I’m curious. avast 4.8 always had at least 2 Updates daily.
By the Virus Definitions Version above, I take it that’s only ONE Update for today.
Does avast 5.0 typically have only ONE Virus Definitions Update daily?
Yes that is the current Virus Definitions Version.
The update frequency is the same as 4.8 whilst there are now two Virus Definitions update streams as they are different for 4.8 and 5.0, they will follow the same version numbering (I can’t see any reason for that to differ). So you aren’t missing out, whilst most days there are two updates some days only one.
Welcome to avast 5 Chim
There isn’t the icon or visual information of that on version 5.
Why do you really need that information? You can check if avast is updating by the interface or the logs.
The connection setting is there on Update tab of avast settings.
Thanks, YoKenny … David! Do either of you though … have any idea as to how to enable a Virus Database Update in Progress Indicator … IF indeed there is one?
Thanks, Tech! Okay, so no Virus Database Update in Progress Indicator.
Why do I need one?
avast Users with High Speed connections obviously don’t need one.
But, since I have a Dial Up connection and thus a much SLOWER connection than you guys, I would have preferred to know when a Virus Database Update is in progress so that if I am experiencing a slight sluggishness in Net Navigation, I can know that it is likely due to the Update in progress.
Plus, I’d prefer that Virus Database Update in Progress Indicator so that I don’t go and Log Off while an Update is in progress … risking screwing up the Virus Database or maybe even avast itself. That did happen once. I ended up having to reinstall avast.
Since you are on dial-up, I would recommend that prior to signing off, you open up the Avast GUI and see if everything listed is in green. You can also go to the GUI > Maintenance and check the database engine and virus definitions for version and release date/time.
You do get a dark green pop up window from Avast after the update has been done on top of the window you are on. However this window disappears, so if you are not looking for it, you may miss it. If your sounds are enabled (by default) with 5.0 and your speakers are ON, you will also hear a woman’s voice telling you that the update was completed.
Two things you can do about that, a) change the avast update check by delaying it in the avast5.ini and b) make sure that the update check interval (in the avastUI) is at the max 4 hours.
The avast5 update is better than in 4.8, for dial-up users every time that you connected avast 4.8 checked for updates, so the update interval was worthless; now even if you connect many times it will only check if there has been 4 hours between your last check, so not so many checks and that will reduce the likelihood of sluggishness and logging off when one is in progress.
This is what I do so I know when after connection it will first check:
In avast5 you need to edit (using notepad) avast5.ini the [InetWD] section of the C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Alwil Software\Avast5\avast5.ini
You need to edit (using notepad) the [InetWD] section of the C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Data\avast4.ini file and add the following line (depending on your connection type):
Dial-up connections, add this line: RASWaitSeconds=600 and UseRAS=1 if not present (or edit UseRAS=0 to UseRAS=1)
When complete save the changes, avast’s self-defence module will ask for confirmation, etc. answer Yes.
The figure is seconds and the above equates to ten minutes, you could try that and adjust downwards if required, 180, 240, etc.
Right after logging on to AOL this morning, I pretty much deduced that a Virus Database Update had been initiated due to the Hard Drive churning away and the Hard Drive Activity LED being solidly ON for a while.
I finally just made sure I turned up the Speaker volume and let it be as I went to eat breakfast.
I came back to check on things. The Hard Drive was still churning away.
Eventually I did hear the indication that my Virus Database had been updated and I saw the Green Popup Window.
Okay, I noticed that there was nowhere on the Green Popup Window where I could click on so as to see the Info on how many Bytes were downloaded. Is there anywhere where I can see that Info?
Oh, I don’t think I saw the answer to one of my previous inquiries. So, I’ll ask again:
SHOULD I enable that Setting regarding that I only connect to the Internet via a Modem?
I ask this because as I recall, at one time it was recommended that this Setting be left with both choices disabled as problems would arise if either choice was selected.
Thanks for the Tip / Info, David!
I’m not as concerned with the morning Virus Database Update because I’ll pretty much be expecting that one upon my initial Log On in the morning. With that one I can easily just let it do its thing as I go do other stuff.
It is that 2nd and possibly 3rd Virus Database Update that was on my mind.
But, I’ll now keep in mind your Info regarding avast 5.0’s more solid and dependable intervals as per the Setting.
I’ll see how these Updates go in the next couple of days.
Set it specifically to your method of connection, as what was a hiccup before has been resolved.
That is why the update interval is important as it is accurate, if you remain connected it will check again 4 hours after your last check, this is the same no mater if it is for the 2nd or 3rd update and doesn’t actually rely on an update having taken place. This is the update check interval.
I have mu update interval check set to 2 hours and the update delay set to 10 minutes and I have never been caught out with a update being in progress when either disconnect or shutdown. Even if it did happen the avast5 update process is different and more robust, so I doubt it would have any impact.
SafeSurf … I’m not sure I understand.
Say I WAS getting ready to log off my Dial Up.
You said I should go check the avast GUI to see if everything is Green.
Are you saying that if a Virus Database Update IS in progress …
something or or maybe nothing in there will be Green at that time?
Or how are you saying I’m supposed to be able to tell that an Update is in progress by looking at the avast GUI?
It sounds like you’re using the AOL desktop. If you missed the Avast dark green pop-up screen telling you that the update of definitions was done (this window disappears) and you didn’t hear the woman’s voice telling you the update occurred, I’m suggesting that before you sign of, you can open the Avast GUI and double check to make sure the Summary/Main page in the center of the screen…everything should be in green writing. If you are out of date, something may appear in red or grayed out indicating that you need to take action. You can also go to the Maintenance page > Update to confirm the date/time of the update as well and you can force a manual update from there and see the progress bar (if needed). Additionally, on occasion, an update will attempt to occur and for some reason it doesn’t and you may get a maroon colored pop-up telling you that you need to do an update; this is when you may want to try a manual update and if it fails try at a later time. Does this answer your question?
SafeSurf, I did see the Green Popup and I did hear the woman’s voice informing me that my Virus Database had been updated. However, that’s not to what I was referring.
Let me clarify. Okay, on avast 4.8, whenever a Virus Database Update started … a static Icon would appear down in the System Tray simulating a Red Arrow and a Green Arrow rotating, provided you had the Setting enabled for this indication to appear. The Red Arrow / Green Arrow Icon would remain in the System Tray while the Virus Database Update was in Progress. I personally found this function / perk extremely helpful. WHY? Because since I have Dial Up, the indication of a Virus Database Update in Progress gave me the option to either stop what I was doing and let the Update run its course more quickly … or I could continue what I was doing, but I’d at least know that any sluggishness going on was for sure due to a Virus Database Update being in progress.
Now with avast 5.0 we don’t have that extremely helpful function / perk.
Oh sure, upon Booting Up my computer every morning, the odds are that a Virus Database Update IS going to take place. But, after that initial Update, I won’t have any solid indication of a Virus Database Update in Progress with any subsequent Updates in the day. About all I’ll be able to do with the subsequent Updates is to be on the lookout for the Hard Drive Activity LED suddenly getting a solid workout. Of course, what’s to say that that Hard Drive Activity LED getting a workout, which I’ll be thinking is probably a Virus Database Update … is actually a Virus engaging in some nefarious, unauthorized activity in my computer?
See what I’m saying? If I’m suddenly seeing a heavy duty Hard Drive churning fest and I’m really not doing anything to warrant it, I won’t know for sure at that instant the reason for that mysterious Hard Drive churning. And remember; I’m on Dial Up. So, that mysterious Hard Drive churning can last for minutes.
I’d prefer NOT to have to resort to, “Well, I’ll just wait for the Hard Drive churning to hopefully eventually stop … AND hopefully be followed by the avast Green Popup and voice indication informing me that a Virus Database Update just finished taking place.”
It would so be a very welcome peace of mind to have that Virus Database Update in Progress Indicator like 4.8 so that I could immediately know that any Hard Drive churning fests ARE due to an Update in Progress. I don’t like the idea of watching my Hard Drive churning away for MINUTES without knowing why.
Actually, I have to agree with Chim on his main point … in fact I think I’d posted something in the wish-list, shortly after upgrading from 4.8 to 5, about hoping they’d bring back that red/green update-in-progress icon. I can’t remember whether updating still runs on a relatively low priority as it did in 4.8, but it definitely does make a noticeable difference in slowing down other computer functions, particularly with a relatively low-RAM system like mine, even with a broadband connection.
I haven’t missed it since switching, as I said I haven’t experienced a problem of trying to disconnect when an update is in progress based on my settings that I have mentioned above (delaying the update check and lowering the update interval).
My virus database has just updated right now (release time UK local, 07/08/2010 17:58), 11 minutes after connecting as my last update check was greater than the 2 hour interval I set. It does run on a low priority as it dis with 4.8.
I understand now Chim what you are talking about. I really don’t see Avast adding a feature to assist with this, but you can mention it in the Wishlist. I, like David, also just got used to it. I haven’t had problems with it either.
Do you have other things going on at Start Up or delayed Start Up? I’ve also prevented a lot of AOL graphics and add-on’s, which will greatly slow you down, especially on dial-up. If you haven’t done this, you may want to look into that, and don’t opt for their automatic updates (just get their notifications and install the ones you need).