Virus definitions version updates?

I renewed my subscription today for another year because it expired today. I have Avast Internet Security on my desktop and laptop. On my desktop my virus definitions are red with 110220-0 showing. OK i click update and it looks as it updating and says my definitions are up to date 110220-1 so i click ok then is says your virus definitions are out of date after i just tried to update and it said there up to date so i go to summary and its still red and just keeps doing the same thing when i try to update. It tells me i have current definitions then when i click OK it tells me there out of date. The laptop is fine there all green on summery and says 110220-1 but i just cant get desktop to update correctly and it always has. I first thought i might have some malware but updated and scanned with malwarebytes and superantispyware and all was clean. I done quick scan on both. Any ideas are appreciated. Thanks! The desktop is running xp home and laptop is xp pro. Also i went in and set it to auto update every 2 minutes and its not doing it.

Have you tried a repair then a reboot ? I dont know what the minimum update period is for the paid version’s ,i know the minimum is 120 mins for the free and being only 1 to 3 update’s per day so i think setting it to every 2 mins is too frequent.

No i havent tried to repair but will now. I just set it to 2 min to see if I could get it to auto update on its own I dont plan to leave it that way. It was set on 240 min. All my computers auto update on boot up anyway but this one is not now for some reason. Thanks!

Ok the repair then reboot fixed the problem. Thanks for your help. All is good now.

No worries :slight_smile: